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TW : Self-Harm

Hazel's POV :

I let mom Delia clean my wounds and I closed my eyes. I didn't want to face the reality.

"All done."

I reopened my eyes and shook my head.

"What baby ?" Mom Delia asked.

"Not all done." I responded, lifting my left sleeve, revealing the self-harm's cuts.

"I know about that sweetie. I saw them. Is it okay if a clean them too ?"

I nodded feeling ashamed so I hide my face with my other hand. But mom Mina was quick to take this hand in hers. "Don't be ashamed love. It's okay, mom is taking care of that. We'll discuss it when you're ready but please, let us help you.

I waited for mom Delia to finish bandaging my arm and then we cuddled, the three of us.

"I'm ready..." I murmured hiding my face in mom's Mina neck.

"Ready for what ?"


They both nodded and waited for me to start.

"First, I forgot my fidgets at home but mom had some in the car so I was okay. But then I was completely lost in the new school and I bumped into a girl, who insulted me, and I was so scared but I tried to ignore it. I walked into a class, thinking it was mine but in fact it wasn't and the students laughed at me and called me names as I was crying in front of them. I felt so humiliated so I called mom Delia. I was finally able to get help to find my class from the office but the secretary was so mean to me. But not as mean as the teacher I met after. And the students, they kept staring at me, I felt so anxious so I couldn't bring myself to come back to class after lunch. I just sat at the back of the school and waited for mom Mina to pick me up, but I didn't know the school was going to call you and- and I felt so guilty when you were bad at me because I'm such a baby, not able to do things on my own and even not capable to go to school without having a breakdown... Then you both were very mad at me and I was so scared you were going to hit me so I punished myself by cu- cutting my skin and now you're both so worried about me and it- it's all my fault I'm sorry moms." I said nearly in one breathe.

"Oh my baby girl..." Said moms in one voice. "We're so sorry for all of that, we didn't know this first day was so stressful and terrible for you." "And we're so sorry for yelling, we know it's something you don't like." Completed mom Mina.

"Please don't be sorry, it's all my fault-"

"Oh no, don't say that love ! It's not your fault, absolutely not. It was a horrible day and we couldn't imagine that it happened like that, but we should have talked to you before being angry at you."

"We promise it won't happen again. We'll never yell at you again."

"You promise ?" I asked shyly, raising my pinkie.

"Yes." Answered mom Mina. "We promise." Said mom Delia, squeezing my pinkie with her own. Mom Mina did the dame and we kept cuddling until I fell asleep from exhaustion of this painful day.

Wilhemina's POV :

Our baby was sleeping between us, and snoring like a kitten.

"We were the worst moms ever today..." I murmured, staring at Hazel.

"No, don't say that. We messed up, obviously. But it doesn't make us the worst moms, I promise."

I shrugged, not trusting my wife.

"Fiona was the worst mother ever. See, I can't even call her mom. What we did today with our daughter was bad, very bad and I'll feel guilty forever. But look, we're all cuddling together now and Hazel knows we love her, she knows we love her more than everything in the whole world." Delia said, stroking Hazel's hair.

"Are you sure she will forgive us one day ?" I questioned worryingly.

"She already has." Answered my wife, squeezing our daughter's hand and kissing her temple.

"But let's not forget about what happened. She can be easily triggered by screams and loud noises so we need to be careful."

"And for the cuts ?" I asked looking at her bandaged wrist.

"We'll make sure she never does it again."

"You're the best mom Dee." I said kissing my wife.

"Not if you weren't here." She responded, kissing me back.

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