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TW : Panic Attack

Cordelia's POV :

The next morning, I woke up early as usual and Mina decided to work from home, in order to keep an eye on Hazel. Our daughter slept on the couch and we both watched her one at a time all night because we were scared she would have another flashback or panic attack as we never saw her like yesterday, in such a bad state.

I heard a little yawning coming from the living room and I made my way to Hazel.

I sat next to her. "Hey sweet girl, did you sleep well ?" I asked stroking her cheek while her eyes were trying to accommodate to the light.

"Mmmmh." She only answered, but I knew mornings was not the easiest moment for her.

"Are you hungry ? We waited for you to eat breakfast but it's already lunch time so we can make a brunch together ? Mom is working at home today."

She immediately sat and rubbed her eyes. "Yes ! I love brunch !"

I was happy to see my girl so excited. It was so hard for me to see her sad or stressed but I felt relieved when I saw that she was still the pleased child I always knew.

We made our way to the kitchen and I called for my wife to join us. As she arrived, she immediately saw Hazel, already eating with a funny face as she was really enjoying the food. Mina seemed so relieved too, and she smiled, kissing Hazel and I.

"Hi baby, I'm grateful to see you like this."

"I'm grateful you're here today mom !" Hazel responded, screaming a little bit loudly.

"Don't eat with your mouth full Hazel." I warmed her with a sweet smile, and she just opened her mouth wide to show me all the chewed food, which I pretended disgusted me.

"Ewww !" I laughed, and Mina and Hazel joined me in a common laugh.

What a happy and nice family I have, I thought to myself.

Later this day, Hazel and Mina were watching TV shows, Mina was knitting at the same time and Hazel was drawing, something she really loves to do.

I quietly approached her.

"What are you drawing lovely ?"

But she instantly hide the paper. "Don't look ! It's a surprise !" She screamed.

"Okay okay !" I resigned myself."Can't wait to see what you're making." I winked.

I was finishing preparing the dinner and Mina was back to her work when I heard something break on the living room.

"What was that ?" I demanded from the kitchen.

"Uuuh, nothing !"

"Hazel ?" I asked again, making my way to her.

"Please mom please don't be mad at me !!" She started hyperventilating, and that's when I saw a broken glass of water on the carpet.

"I swear I didn't do it on purpose !! I- I just grabbed a pencil and I hit it with my elbow please don't be mad !!" She cried, putting her arms in front of her head in order to protect herself. Mina must have heard the noises and she entered the room.

"What is happening here ?" She asked, holding tightly her cane.

"Hazel just broke a glass but it's okay, it happens. Hazel you hear me ? It happens. Everything's okay, no one is mad at you, please look at me." I tried to approach her.

"NO ! No please mom don't hit me pleeeaaase"

Her cries were heartbreaking so I stopped in my track.

"Hazel, my sweet lovely girl, no one is going to hit you, no one is mad at you. Can I come closer to you ? I won't touch you if you don't want to." Tried Mina, but Hazel continued to cry and hide herself with her arms. Mina took the decision to walk to her, trying not to make loud sounds with her cane.

"I'm here baby, I'm next to you. Can I hold your hand ?"

Hazel looked at her with fear, and she stretched a shaky hand in Mina's direction.

"Good. Can I hug you my pretty little one ?"

Our daughter nodded with hesitation, she stared at Mina up and down and she suddenly jumped into her arms, crying.

"I'm so- sorry mom, I thought you- you were going to be angry because I- I broke something !"

"Oh baby girl... We told you yesterday, we'll never be mad at you again. Yesterday was a mistake, a big mistake and mom and I learned from it. I promise you" She took Hazel's cheeks into her hands "you know you can trust me, I promise you we'll never raise our voice again. Not against our only daughter. You're loved, so loved, I can't understand how someone can be mad at such a wonderful girl like you."

Hazel was still staring at my wife with teary eyes, so I approached her and joined the hug.

"Do you believe us ? What can we do to make you trust us."

Our daughter sighed and looked down. "I- I don't know. Everything is so messy in my head. But I think just- just hold me. Hold me like a baby."

And that's what we did. We lulled and rocked our sweet girl back and forth until she was calm, and this night, we all slept together in our room, cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to our precious child.

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