Him and I

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I want this moment to last forever. I would probably regret this when I get back home.
I hate being this stubborn. I am allowing myself to fall for someone who is spending time with me just to relive the memories of his past lover. He parted from the kiss and pulled away to look at my face. He placed his palm on my cheeks and looked into my eyes. His eyes wandered left and right as if he was trying to find something in my eyes.
"Are you okay?" I asked in a low whispering tone.
he nodded his head up and down and pulled away from me completely.
He stared at the ground silently and I was watching his face. I was trying to decode what he might be thinking.
What is going through his mind right now?
Is he regretting the kiss?
What is happening?
I sighed and got up from the huge root.
I placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Let's just go back." I said.
He lifted his head and looked at me.
A sudden deja vu occured to me as I saw his face.
He got up and followed me to the way back.
He was silent all throughout the drive.
I didn't feel like bothering him by striking up a conversation. The day was coming to an end and It stopped raining. The sky was turning into a pinkish orange tint.
He took a different route from my home and finally stopped at a restaurant named 'Indigo'.
He wrapped his right hand on my left and dragged me there.
The girl at the counter passed a smile to him.
"So happy to see you back sir." She said.
He passed her a warm smile and looked at me. I was examining the place tilting my head left and right. He chuckled and pulled my hands. He was running through the corridor of that giant place. He headed towards a green door and slammed it open with his other hand.
My eyes widened as I saw the sight infront of me.


"A playground?" I uttered.

He was grinning as my face was glowing with happiness.

I walked into the playground and climbed on top of a slide. I stood on top of it and waved at him.
"You are so small!" I screamed, looking at him who was standing beside it.
He ran towards the slide and started climbing up.
"Nooo!!!" I slid off the slide and started running as he was chasing me.

"Are you scared now?? huh?" he screamed from behind.

"Noooooo!!! Neverrr" I replied as I giggled.

"Noooooo!!! Neverrr" I replied as I giggled

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We spent a lot of time playing there. I forgot how fast the time was moving. I glanced at my watch and saw that we are already in the middle of the night.

"Take me home August." I said, panting.
"I will... Talk to me first."

"What do you wanna know?"

"I wanna know what is in there Ina... What do you feel about me? Be honest."

I got goosebumps when I heard his straightforward question.
I exhaled some air and and smiled at him. I was blushing and my heart was beating faster.

"You have an effect on me that nobody ever had before. You... uhhhh... I don't know why but everything about you feels so familiar to me. The smell of your car, the way you look at me, the places you take me, your voice .... everything feels so familiar and comfortable.
I even cried infront of you. I fell asleep on your car! I've never felt this comfortable with a stranger.
I don't know why... I don't know what to call this.. I don't even know why you are spending all these time with me."
I poured out my emotions to him without giving a second thought.

His eyes were glistening and he looked extremely happy with my words. He let out a sigh and asked me again.
"Will those feelings stay?"
he asked looking at me with a sense of desperation.
I smiled at him and a few drops of tears fell out from my eyes. I felt happy.
I was happy as I finally did something that I always wanted to.
He hugged me.
"I'll take care of you. Just let me protect you this time." he said.
His words brought shivers down my spine.
I didnt know I wanted to hear those words until I heard it.
His words were simple but his tone was different... way different. I knew he meant what he said.

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