17. Not one of us.

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Not again.

My stomach turns and all I can think about is sucking the blood out of him. I can feel his eyes on me even when I make my way to class. I want to grab him by his neck and ask him why the fuck he keeps staring at me as if I owe him something. And maybe snap that neck after.

But I hold back, as soon as I step into the classroom, my eyes land upon Eve. She only waves at me with a straight face, strange. There is something wrong and I can feel it.

It weighs me down and she realizes that I know something is up. Eve and I have a specific special bond, sometimes I feel when she is in pain or when bothered. It has been that way ever since we were kids, I never really understood it but I learned to embrace it over the years.

"Are you okay?" I lift her almost white chin, she looks into my eyes and nods. A small reassuring smile plays on her lips, but I'm not buying this bull crap. "Cut it, Vee, what's wrong? It's weighing us both down and you know it."

She braids her fingers with mine so they're intertwined. "I'm okay, it's Adam, he does not feel too well. Nothing major," she says.

I nod. Fair enough.

"Will he be okay?" I question. She nods and I take my seat at the desk behind hers. For some reason, my eyes dart to Ivy. It could be the hangover but right now she looks as bleak as Eve appears. Is it just me or everything about today is weird?

I look to my side, the desk is empty. Karen isn't one for late coming, something must have happened to her. Did she oversleep? How?

"Karen?" I ask Eve.

"I don't know, she will get here soon," Eve whispers and goes back to scribbling something in her book.

I shake my head, annoyed. Unknowingly, I make a sketch of a tree but it's upside down, I don't even realize it until it's almost done. Frustratedly, I bite into that poor pencil, chewing on it as if it were meat or something flavorful.

"Ms. Grant?" The teacher calls and I snap out of my reverie. Fuck, I just zone out chewing on that pencil.

"Sorry ma'am," I respond, she nods but that doesn't stop some students from staring at me. Ivy included. Her eyes are all so beautiful and big. She gives me a weird smile before she whispers something in Eve's ear.

Eve looks at me and they both burst into silent giggles. What the fuck is funny?

"What?" I whisper but they can hear me, at least Eve can.

She turns to me, "You have pencil on your lips."

They start laughing again. What the fuck is funny about this? I mean I was chewing on a pencil, it's fair that some of it got stuck to my lips. I roll my eyes and glare at Ivy. There's no way to get rid of the jealousy in my gut, I feel like she's slowly taking my place.

The rest of the period, I don't miss a chance to zone out. For a few seconds, I stare at Ivy, I can only see the side of her face. She keeps biting her nails and I wonder if she doesn't get tired. Her dark hair hangs into a low ponytail at the back of her head. I look closely; I can see how green and appetizing the veins in her neck look. I chew on my thumb to stop myself from fantasizing about drinking it all out of her body.

I'm thankful when the bell goes, signaling a lunch break. I'm hungry and I need to eat, to drink. I grab my bag and Eve's wrist, before dragging us to the cafeteria. On our usual table, already settled there is Adam, Sebastian, and Jaden. I place a gentle kiss on Jaden's lips.

"Hello," I greet before I sit next to my boyfriend. Although he is my ride or die, our love story isn't arranged like Adam and Eve's.

The boys mumble while they munch on their food. As per drill, Eve sits next to Adam while Sebastian and Ivy only stare at each other like it's their first time. Once again, I can only see Ivy munching on an apple, does she not like food?

I turn my attention to my prince charming, his gray eyes stare at me before he gives me his black bottle. I know what's in there, and I do not hesitate to take a sip. As soon as I taste that blood, I feel alive, elated, fulfilled, and on fire. I want to have sex and fast.

Somehow Jaden senses it and we excuse ourselves. We make our way into the music room, it's empty around this time. My favorite is having wild sex over the piano, it's feverish.

"I missed you," Jaden utters after letting out ragged breaths.

"I know, now fuck me," I order as I sit on the piano.

In no time, I feel him inside me and as we elevate, the piano cries out and for a split second, I pity it. But then that's what makes this fun, so I scream louder with each note that presses. It doesn't take much time for both of us to reach our heights. The bell goes off and Jaden rushes to his class.

I take a minute to breathe before I leave the music room. With my bag over my shoulder, I can feel him, his scent irritates me and it's hard to ignore. I'm not sure why he has graduated from boring his eyes into my head to following me.

I try to ignore it, but I can't take it anymore. I make a sharp corner and hide behind the wall.

We need to set things straight.

I wait for him to approach, he knows I'm there I don't understand why he doesn't go back. It's as though he wants this to happen; as soon as I see him, I grab him by the neck and pin him against the wall. He doesn't seem to flinch but I don't doubt the grip I have on his neck.

"Why the fuck are you following me around, Payton?" I snarl, my fangs showing themselves involuntarily. This happens when I'm annoyed.

"I need to talk to you," he says but calmly, as though I don't have the upper hand in this.

"About what?" I don't put him down yet. I can't trust him.

"I need a favor from you," he speaks and it's almost bogus.

I remove my hand from his neck and chuckle. "Levi fucking Payton needs a favor from me? Unbelievable."

"I'm serious, Leah, you're my last option."

"Speak." I want to listen.

"Last night, Adam wanted to kill Ivy," he says and I chuckle. This guy is impossible, how would he know that? He continues. "I think Eve is in on this too, I need you to protect, Ivy. I can't be with her every time, hell not even ever, I need you to make sure she doesn't get hurt."

I crease my eyebrows. "You're lying. Why would I even want to protect a human? She's not even one of us, you're in over your head, Payton, fuck off and stop following me," I mumble and walk away.

"It's happening tonight!" he yells and I stop. What is happening tonight? Now I'm curious, I reverse my steps and resume my position next to him. As irritating as his scent is, this is more important.



She Came To Stay. GxG (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now