23. Chaotic butterflies.

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"Honey, who is that?" Barbara peeks out the window when Leah's car pulls up in our driveway.

I roll my eyes and get in my brown boots. "You've been so busy you lost track of your own daughter's life," I mock. I know she will feel bad, but that is the point.

"Don't say that now," she warns.

"Okay, that is my friend." I grab my dark blue jacket and toss it over my shoulder together with my backpack. "Wanna meet her?"

She looks at me, her face drawn into sheer commotion. "What happened to Levi, you guys fighting?"

I roll my eyes again. "Levi left, mother, two weeks ago."

I cannot believe her, did she not know that Levi left? It has been two weeks now and the drill fell into place; Leah picks me up from home and drops me at school and back. I wonder if I am not a burden to her, but she plays it off. She always says she must protect me from Eve. Who is not only her ex-best friend but an enemy too because Leah chose me over her. I feel guilty some days for coming between them, but it's Eve who wants to kill me and not the other way around.

Speaking of, Eve has been nothing but sending blades my way the entire two weeks, she shifted from sitting next to me, she now sits with other guys in the back. Leah is the one who took her seat, she doesn't seem to care, it is as though Eve doesn't exist in Leah's world.

Although no active attack against me has been made, Leah says not to let our guards down. She says she knows Eve so much that this entire time, the ex-best friend might be planning on how to take me out. It is scary, I must admit, but Vera with each passing day lets me in on the little secrets of this town.

So, Leah, Eve, and their entire gang are vampires. Leah proved it to me herself when she showed me her fangs last weekend. We have been spending so much time together, and we are growing close. I can't get rid of her even if I'd like to, she has led herself to believe that I am her responsibility.

Moving on, Vera told me that Levi is a wolf, and I jolted out of my skin when she broke the news. I kissed a wolf, a damn hot wolf. And I loved him more with each day, although she did inform me that he lost his lover, Lexi; Adam is the one who killed her. For reasons, I did not care to ask because I was too astounded to even speak.

These teens look normal!

I haven't seen Adam around for two weeks, I only wonder if he left too as Levi did, Leah said the last time she heard Adam was sick but since they weren't friends anymore, she couldn't ask. Karen is just being Karen, she doesn't take sides, and she just minds her own business even when my life is in danger.

Or if I am the danger.

Vera told me that the vampires cannot rest until my head was on their plates. Somehow, I was cursed with some dark energy that imposes a threat to their kind, and that is why they hate me so much. I wonder how Eve managed to put up the "I am nice" charade, knowing that the threat sat right next to her.

"Hey, Leah!" I shout and stand next to my mother on the porch.

Leah waves before she makes her way to us; half of her hair is tied over her head and the other hair is left to hang around her neck. She wears a black body-hugging top, this is when I notice her breast—they are so round and small—I can almost see the nipples printing over her shirt. I drift my eyes to her blue jeans—better. Something other than black. Although her boots are black. She adores black, unlike Eve.

I like to add some color to my clothes, and so I am wearing a pink top, blue jeans and brown boots, with a blue jacket. Too much color, but who cares, I love it. I pulled my black hair into a ponytail, it still went cascading down my waist—too long, but I can never cut it for anything.

"This is my mother," I speak as soon as Leah joins us on the porch. She turns to my mother and smiles.

"Leah Grant," she says, extending her hand for my mother to shake.

I am not sure what will happen next. What if my mother refuses to shake Leah's hand, by how her dark eyes scan Leah, I can tell she is not impressed with my choice of friends, but there's more to this than what meets the eyes. Barbara smiles and shakes Leah's hand.

"Barbara Myers, I am her mother," she says as though proving a point.

And then they keep shaking hands—no, it's a mom who keeps shaking Leah's hand. I look at her and let out a nervous laugh.

"I will see you after school then." I smile, forcing them to break their contact, and we make our way to Leah's black Corolla hatchback.

"I almost thought you'd bite my mother," I joke when she starts the engine.

She glares at me but giggles after, "She's nice, I get the feeling she doesn't like me."


"No, that's not possible, she's just tired. She works all the time she asked for a day off today," I assure her, but I know her guts are right. But barb is decent enough to not show it when she dislikes someone.

"How is Darius?" I ask, looking desperately for a way to make us stop talking about my mother and annoy Leah. She hates it when I make sexy comments about her brother. I haven't gotten the chance to meet Darius yet, but I have seen him in photos, and he is hot. He is the male version of Leah and is hot.

"Don't!" Leah warns and I burst into laughter.

"What?! When can I meet him?" I whine.

"You, him in the same room? Never," she says.

"But you have a boyfriend, why won't you let me have Darius?"

She chuckles and shakes her head, "Jaden and I are not really in a good place right now. Somehow, Eve managed to turn all our friends against me, so I am as good as single."

My face contorts, I can never get used to this feeling. I still hate myself for doing this to her life. My face falls. "I am sorry. It is all my fault."

"It's not your fault, and I am not sorry." she smiles and runs her tongue over her bottom lip before pulling it in to suck it. I only watch and feel mortified because why the hell am I looking at her? She turns to me, "Let's hit it, princess."

My belly floods with chaotic butterflies as I blush. She needs to stop this, it's weird.

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