19. Deja Vu.

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One more. I think to myself as I sip that blood one more time. I can feel how nervous I am but I play it rather cool, I deserve an award for not overreacting.

Eve doesn't leave my side as I prepare to kill Ivy. Don't get it twisted, we are not sharpening daggers or swords or loading bullets in guns. This particular preparation is filled with her hyping me up one minute and doubting me the next minute.

It's quite annoying to be in my shoes but I understand, I cannot jinx this, not like I did last time so we made sure to collude a plan nice enough. I didn't need the interference of Levi in this so we needed to destruct him.

"I'm staying with you." Eve doesn't let my shoulder go. It's as though she has become too tacky overnight and it's not helping considering how nervous I am. I have ever been this nervous about digging my fangs into a mortal's neck before and I have no fucking idea why Ivy has this effect on me.

"You need to go with Karen, we are not many who know about this so we must spread fairly. I will be fine," I assure her. Karen is quiet, with her hands resting on her lap, her dark eyes only stare between Eve and I. She must feel for me.

"Karen, just keep him busy, play with him. He shouldn't be back here until I'm done," I instruct.

Karen nods and leaves us. For the hundredth time, I cannot handle Eve right now, I don't know how to tell her to get rid of her. For a fucking second, just a second will be enough.

"I'm going to take a walk," I inform her and get out of her firm clasp. I can finally breathe. I don't hate her or anything, I just don't appreciate her breathing down my neck when I'm in this situation, she has no idea what I'm going through and I blame myself for not letting her handle this. But I won't hurt my self-respect, I will do what I have to do to get rid of Ivy. She's just human, nothing special, I can do this. I convince myself as I walk through the almost empty hallways.

School is over for the day and most students have left. A few stays behind to make out, others to study and all that. Teenagers.

I sniff, she's in the next room, the concrete wall is the only thing between us. Her cherry scent strikes my nostrils and I take it in, I will be so close to her in less than thirty minutes. I lean against the wall, I can hear her heart beating as steadily as ever, she has no idea what is coming her way. Eve said she asked Leah to wait with Ivy, I'm not sure how Leah agreed to this, but she agreed anyway. Did Eve tell her about this? Maybe not.

Her perfect scent of strawberries and cherries is invaded by another so strong and so annoying scent. It's him, Fuck. How did I not expect a confrontation?

As expected, Levi appears in front of me. He waits for me to notice him. "Ah, Wolfie what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Don't touch her," he growls.

"It's almost impossible. But I will see what I can do, I might have some mercy."

"You fucking dare lay a finger on her, I will kill you myself!" He endangers.

I chuckle, scary enough but nope. "I'm already dead dear brother, but I will be the one to kill you once I'm done with her. You've made my life as miserable as ever."

He wants to say something when his phone disturbs the silence in the room and rings. Pathetic ringtone as well. He places it to his ear, I wait for a scowl to appear, then I will know Eve and Karen are ready.

"Who? Why? Stay inside, I'm on my way!" He speaks and places the phone in his pocket.

"Tsk, it's always family over love Levi, don't you see it?" I chuckle. I'm not sure what I'd choose between my lover or my family, perhaps none. But if forced to choose with a stale to my heart, I'd choose my darling Eve. My family is already dead to me.

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