Chapter Three (3)

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Chapter Three:

The school was surrounded by artificial looking grass, except for the front which had dirt with tiny budding flowers popping out. The school looked like something you'd see in a movie or something. "Here we are, ACP! Promise us you'll visit us once in a while. Now that you know about us, we expect phone calls," Uncle Samuel told me.

"Of course. I just can't forget you guys. These are the most exciting three days ever." I responded.

"Great, now go tell the office staff you're here. We'll get your bags," Meghan said. I obeyed and quietly got the car, walking slowly toward the entrance of the building. I took the time to obverse the school uniforms. The girls wore a white tucked in dress shirt, a gray tie, and a grey pleated skirt reaching their knees. The boys wore a green suit vest, khaki pants, and a white dress shirt and shiny black shoes.

I finally reached the entrance, opened the door and was blasted back by the swift blow of the air-conditioner. There was a tall red-headed girl standing there passing out papers to anyone passing by the door, "Support the cause and donate your blood!" She handed me a white paper and took the opportunity to ask her where the main office.

"I'll take you there. Honestly this gives me an excuse to leave this spot for a couple of minutes," she told me.

She stood next to me and that's when I realized how tall and skinny she really was. She could honestly pass as a model, even with that uniform on. She led me through the thick crowd of people just standing there in the hallway, leaving me to marvel at the school scenery. The floors were so waxed I could see my reflection come off of it, everything looked so new unlike my old school. "What's your name?" the girl asked.

"Alexandra, what about yours?" I asked.

"Name's Olivia. You can call me Olive since that's what everyone calls me anyway," she said.

"Why?" I asked, interested.

"Well one; my skin tone. The other is because I had a killer obsession with olives last year. Don't know why, they don't even taste good to me," Olivia shrugged.

"Well, just call me Alex. How far away is this office?" I asked.

"We're here," she smiled, holding the door open for me.

"Who is this?" a woman grinned at me, pushing her glasses down.

"This is Alexandra, go on." Olivia said, motioning to me.

"I got enrolled here, I'm under the name Alexandra Bolton." I said, my bright blue eyes shining in fear. The woman typed something into the computer and something came out the printer Then she bent down and picked up a clear wrapped uniform package, put the paper on top of it and handed it to me.

"Second semester begins in two days, today and tomorrow are your vacation. On Wednesday though we except you to be dressed and ready to learn. Also you mustn't wear your makeup so heavily like that. Please refrain on heavy eyeliner," the woman ranted. "Olivia, this young woman will be rooming with you since you haven't a roommate."

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