Chapter Twenty-Four (24)

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Chapter Twenty-Four:

"I'm assigning pages 465 and 466 to you. The whole two pages, you work alone or with a partner. I don't really care just get it finished and if it's not finished it's for homework. If it's not finished for homework well then expect a detention for tomorrow," Mr. Carlton smiled and walking over to sit in his seat. I immediately felt a tap on my shoulder. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was, I didn't talk to anyone in this class.


"Be my partner."

"I don't want to."

"Why are you so difficult?"

I didn't answer, just opened my textbook and began to copy down the problem in the textbook. Problem one already stumped me so I turned around to ask the nearest girl for help. From what I could tell she was really hard-working in this class and she always got A's on her tests. "Excuse me? Can you help me on number one? It's confusing to me," I asked her when she turned around.

"Let me see your problem." she said, extending a chubby hand to take my notebook. She was bit overweight but her sparkling brown eyes drew attention away from that and instead averted it to her innocent baby face. I shook my head. 

"I just have the problem down, I don't know what to do."

"Divide Y first," she said. I smacked my forehead for being so stupid and smiled.

"I'm sorry, after all I am blonde," I said poking humor at my natural hair color. Keith moved his desk in the between us and relaxed. This guy wouldn't give up, even when I publicly rejected him less than an hour ago.

"I'd like help too," he said pointing to the second questions. The girl's eyes light up and she eagerly began to explain how to do the problem. I sighed and went on to do the other questions. I began to think of last night again and my chest constricted while my throat formed a lump of impending tears. I let out an exhale and began to play with my zipper.

I couldn't let that man win by lingering in my memories, I made through almost everything didn't I? And if the police were doing their part I'd have my justice soon enough. With these thoughts circling around my head I felt myself smiling softly. I looked back to Keith and the girl and almost laughed at the scene. The girl was tirelessly trying to explain to Keith how to do the problems and he didn't seem to get any of it.

"I don't get it, why would you divide 4? It doesn't make sense!" he said exasperated.

"Keith, calm down please. It's a factorial and 4 is a perfect square so--" she began to explain.

"What the fuck is a perfect square?! How do you get this?" 

I began clutching my stomach in laughter, tears streaming down my face. I looked back up and the girl was glaring at me, her fingers tapping her desk annoyed and Keith had a smug face on. Then he shook his head and went back to the girl and wrote some numbers on her notebook. "Call me one day, maybe you could tutor me," he winked and slid back to the empty slot behind my desk.

Rolling my eyes I turned around and narrowed my eyes at Keith. "She seems like a really nice girl and I know your ways, you better not hurt her," I hissed at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Relax Alex. I'm not after her, who I want is sitting right front of me."

"Well that's sad. She doesn't want you back, I'd focus on something more in your reach. Maybe you can find a nice monkey in a zoo."

"Low blow Alex, but you like me. You're afraid to admit it, but you like me. I can see it in your eyes," he said while smirking. Like the dick he was he leaned back and interrogated me with his eyes.

"I don't like you," I scoffed. As soon as those words left my mouth I regretted it. Keith leaned forward to look me directly in my eyes.

"If you really don't like me as you say you don't tell me right now. Look in my eyes, too." he said. I opened my mouth to say the words, I don't like you but they didn't come out. The phrase was in my mind, it just wouldn't travel to my mouth. I closed my mouth and opened it again, expecting the words to flow out.

"I-i . . ." I urged the remaining words to come out and the smug look was back on Keith's face. "I can't," I admitted in surrender, "But that doesn't mean I'll just throw myself in your arms." I said hoping his smile would falter, it just grew broader.

"Eventually you will, Alex. No girl can resist my charms. You did once, I bet I can win you again."

"You talk about me like I'm a game. You broke me, I will never go out with you. You saved my life and I appreciate that, we can be friends but nothing else."

"If I broke you as you said, why do you still like me?"  My face turned an intense red color and my lips pursed together tightly. Attractive, I know.

"You can prove that you don't like me."


"If you kiss me, I'll stop bugging you. If you don't I will keep annoying the shit out of you. Oh, and the kiss has to be long and in front of a crowd." The bell rung before I could react and I walked as calmly as I could out the room and disappeared in the bathroom. I wouldn't kiss that guy again. The intercom startled me as a deep bass voice rang through.

"Alexandra Bolton, please report to the principal's office." Shit. Just what I needed to start my day. I grumbled profanities under my breath as I trudged to the main office. Ms. Smith, the office secretary, pointed to the principal's office while giving me a sad look. Huh?

As I came in the two cops that had took me home were standing there, talking to the principal. Their heads turned when they saw me and they nodded their acknowledgment. "What's going on?" I asked, shutting the door behind me.

"You're aware of the man that we arrested last night. We got him to talk, he was paid to do those horrendous actions to you. Both men were actually, but since you injured the first man pretty badly he wasn't able to do anything."

Paid? "Who paid them?"

"That's what we're here for, we're here to notify you and bring them to the station."

"But who are they?"

One of them stepped up, "It's--"

The door opened.

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