Chapter Eight (8)

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Chapter Eight:

“Nothing happened. I swear,” I said trying to keep up with Daniel's fast pace walking.

“Is that why he was pressed against you?” he countered, taking longer strides. I groaned and ran up to him again.

“I promise on my life nothing happened! I hate the guy's guts, why would I do anything with him?” I questioned. He stopped walking, leaned against a stair railing, and put his hand across his chin. I looked at my nails nonchalantly waiting for his reply.

“You're right. You know Keith is famous here for picking up all the girls, I thought you were the next one.” he admitted.

“Ha! I will never go out with him again.” I blurted.

“Again?” he asked, rising his eyebrows. I just stood there, not replying. He let it slide with a small smile and pulled me toward him. “I still don't trust him though. Be careful near him, he has a way of sweeping up girls,” he warned me. I stood on my tip-toes and gave him a short peck.

“No one can drag me away from you babe.” I assured him. “Better not,” he joked, walking with me to class.

* * * * * *

“Detention already? Oh, Alex you bad seed,” Catherine said shaking her head.

“I didn't do anything bad, just-” I started.

“Slapped me. I got detention too, and I don't even know why!” Keith finished, glaring at me.

Olivia looked up from her food, her salad inches away from her mouth. “You guys have detention...together?” she asked. I nodded meekly. Daniel also froze and stared at us. I averted my eyes to my pizza to not look at the questioning eyes that were lingering on me. From the corner of my eye I saw Keith looking at another table. Obviously he felt the uncomfortable tension.

Gina squealed and turned her attention away from her iPod, she was listening to classic Disney songs, to grin at us. “Oh my god, wouldn't it so cool if you and Keith starting dating?!” she told me. Daniel spit out his chocolate milk, I choked on my pizza, and Olivia just froze in place. “What?!” the three of us said in unison.

“Honestly, I'd love to take up the offer but Alex over here is being difficult,” Keith said. I gaped at him, of all the places to say such a thing. “You jerk!” Olivia yelled at him, causing the whole cafeteria to stare at her. Then she turned to me and pointed rudely. “I knew you were a whore! Stay away from Keith!” She stormed away, leaving me mouth agape.

“Keith, you just humiliated Olivia and Alex!” Catherine said in shock, Daniel just sat there.

“Eh, I'll make it up to her later tonight . . .” Keith shrugged. My face twisted in disgust.

“If you don't like her why don't you just break up with her?!” Gina rolled her eyes.

“You can't break up with someone without a rebound.”

I got up furiously, unable to take this anymore and starting storming toward the door. I saw some kids looking at me. “What are you gawking at?!” I yelled at them. They turned away as I pushed the door out of my way. I walked out the school and started making my way toward the dorms. Once there, I opened the door, laid down in bed, and slept there.

* * * * * *

“You see, we've been having some mess issues in the cafeteria. As your punishment, you are to clean it.” the headmistress said simply. “Whoa, don't you have janitors for this?” I questioned. She looked at me with an amused expression.

“Yes we do, get to work.” she walked out.

Keith grabbed the broom and shovel while I examined the mess around me, there was food all over the floors and napkins all over the place, what slobs. I put my gloves on and starting picking the napkins off the tables.

“We'll finish quickly if we work on different sides of the cafeteria, you could work the left, I'll work the right.” Keith told me.

I turned to him with a threatening look and grit my teeth together. “How dare you have the audacity to speak to me? Because of you, Daniel and I almost got into our first argument. And I got called a whore in front of everyone! I am not a whore!” I yelled at him.

“But I like to do it,” he sang. I gave him a confused look. “I am not a whore...LMFAO, search it up.” he said, popping the P.

“You don't care about anybody but yourself.” I said, giving him a look of disbelief. He smiled and tucked a strand behind my ear. “Nah, I care about you.” he said. I burst out laughing, “You're funny! That's why you cheated on me and dumped me like a butthole right?”

“Yeah, maybe I dumped you like that because-” he began.

“Shut up. Just shut the hell up, I'm going to the front of the cafeteria. Do not speak to me, even if we're in a life-or-death situation. He looked hurt but nodded anyway. I picked up the mop and proceeded to the front of the room.

I gotta make these longer, but I have to find time. I will over spring break, new goal of the week :D 

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