Chapter Twenty-Eight (28)

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Chapter Twenty-Eight:

"Hello students of Abner Collie Prep! So, today's the first day of February you guys and I'm guessing you all know that means? Our annual masquerade Valentine Dance is coming up! This year we're looking for more volunteers to help us decorate the gym. Tickets go on sale in two days. Dance committee sign ups are immediately after Principal Karen's words." the overly excited girl on stage chirped. 

I just zoned out every word the principal said and took out my new phone. After Sam and Meghan brought the baby home, they decided to name her Brianna, he took me to the AT&T store to get me a new phone after losing my old one. The baby was actually very cute. She had rosy pink skin and bright brown eyes with a small nose. Her cheeks were so full I just couldn't resist kissing them the entire day. I blame half her pink face on me.

So bored.. im stuck at this lame assembly. I texted to Elaine. I have to admit having a slide-out keyboard was much easier than pressing a button three times to form a two letter word. Almost immediately I received a reply.

Better 2 B stuck in an assembly than in Mr. Wright's math class. Half the class is sleeping. it read. I chuckled when I read the message. I remember in Mr. Wright's class Elaine and I would throw paper balls at the back of his bald head when his head was turned. He'd give the whole class a thirty minute threat/lecture that would shorten our class greatly.

Dance coming up 4 Valentine. Masquerade, should I go? Also thinking of signing up 4 committee

Yeah go. UR still new, U can always make new friends :) also i gtg bell rung. Study hall i got HW :(

I smiled and put my phone back inside the dip of my shirt and reconnected my attention to the Headmistress. She was droning on about the how the school year goes by so quickly and us, as juniors, needed to choose our career soon. She was right on that, I didn't know what I wanted to do. If I had to choose a field of jobs it'd be astrology or meteorology.

The Headmistress dismissed us from the auditorium and I went up to the stage to look for the sign-up sheets. "I'd like to sign up for the Masquerade Dance committee," I said when I saw the girl there organizing her papers. Her hair was pulled back in a tight, high ponytail and curled at the end. She had the slightest makeup but it complimented her light mocha skin. There was no denying she was gorgeous.

"Oh sure, I can sign you up. We have twenty members right now," she smiled arranging her clipboard and pencil so she can write, "What's your name?"

"Alexandra Bolton." 

She wrote my name on the paper and put the clipboard back under her arm to shake my hand. I extended my own hand and she pushed hair out her eyes with her free hand, "My name is Emma. Welcome to the Dance Committee, we're actually having our first meeting. This is our biggest dance and everyone loves it. It's our job to keep up its reputation."

I nodded and smiled uneasily. "Sounds like a lot of responsibility. Keeping three thousand kids happy."

"Actually it's three-thousand nine hundred and forty two students. That's last week estimate count. Anyway it is. If you can't handle drop it now because you won't us too. I promise you that Alexandra."

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