Chapter Sixteen (16)

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Chapter Sixteen:

You know that awkward moment when you're new and don't know anyone and it's lunch time and you don't know what table to sit at? That's what I'm going through right now. I'm not new but I still couldn't sit at the table with Olivia, that'd be stupid. So here I stood, with my lunch tray in my hand looking for a table, cliche movie-like scene right? 

Cautiously I approached this table filled with these muscular looking guys laughing and having a good time. I'd rather sit with a group of boys than girls anytime, less drama. "Hey, can I sit here?" I asked softly, looking at the group. A boy with black spiky hair and hazel eyes looked at the boy I standing behind and motioned to get out the way with his hands.

I smiled and sat down, picking at my macaroni and stuffing it in my mouth. "So what made you decide to grace us with your presence?" the spiky-haired boy asked me. 

"Let's say I made enemies . . ." I said bitterly.

"Well, you've made friends. My name is Jeremiah. That--" he pointed to the boy to my left, "--is Landon. Boy to your right is Adam." He jerked her thumb toward two twins at the corner, "Stephan and Samuel, don't confuse them. Stephan is the taller one. And your name?" The group looked at my expectantly.

"Alexandra, call me Alex though that's what everybody calls me."

"Alex, are you single?" one of the twins asked me. I couldn't identify them apart, they both have eerily similar brown hair and brown eyes.

"Yeah, but not looking at the moment," I nodded, taking another bite of my food. The twin took out a piece of paper and pen, scribbled something on it and handed the paper to me.

"Well I am, when you are call me. If you wanna get together in person, I'm on the football team," he winked. My cheeks turned bright red and the boys let out a loud "Ooh" and "Yeah Stephan!" so that was Stephan. The loud commotion caused everyone to look over at us, including Olivia's table.

Gina and Catherine looked amused, Liam could really care less and Daniel and Keith just looked pissed. Olivia, on the other hand, looked like she caught me red-handed. "Are you gonna take my man out on his offer?" the boy on the right, Adam I think, asked me snapping my attention back to the table.

"I don't know, I might." I said, putting a smug face on and putting the paper Stephan gave me down my shirt. I made a huge show of this, it worked though because they were patting Stephan's back giving him high-fives and congrats. 

Unconsciously, I had a huge grin on my face. I should sit with these guys more often. I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around and saw Catherine and Gina standing there ushering me to go with them. "I'll be back," I told the table, walking out to the hallway with the two.

"Do you know who you're sitting with?!" Catherine asked, her eyes beaming with excitement. I gave them a confused look. 

"Most popular football players in ACP and you're socializing with them!" Gina exclaimed. I burst into laughter and clutched my stomach to make me stop. They exchanged confused looks. 

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