Chapter Thirty-Four (34)

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"First thing's first. Are you going to abandon your baby and join Alex, or be a man or deal with this?"

"What?" I asked, looking up at her again eyes still wide.

She took a deep breath and rolled her eyes, as if speaking to a disobedient two-year-old. "Alex, or the baby?"

Chapter Thirty-Four:

Keith's P.O.V.

"Why can't I choose both?" I asked Olivia whilst scanning her stomach for a potential bump. 

"Yeah, have your cake and eat it too," she scoffed, rearranging herself so she could be directly in front of me. I scanned her frustrated, stressed face and sighed. Olivia was really attractive, which is why I found interest in her in the first place and she was funny when she wanted to be but I wasn't prepared to give up my entire life to spend with her for a baby.

"Well, I can afford Child Support and visit the child." I reasoned.

"Yeah, and you'll also deprive the child of a dad. Think on Father's Day while the kids in his or her class are creating things for their dad my child will be sitting in the back because its dad is off in the Bahamas screwing Alexandra or whatever whore you'll have on her knees," she pratically yelled at me.

"I refuse to be tied down with you, I barely like you anymore! I went out with you because you were a good fuck! None of this was supposed to happen and--" I began to shout.

"Yeah?! Well look what listening to your pencil dick--" 

"Actually, I'm quite endowed, thank you very much." I interrupted earning an ear-roll from Olivia. She smoothed out her long white dress, which immediately reminded me I was at the dance, and walked toward the doors. She paused briefly and turned to look at me again, "I'll give you some time. When you're ready to be a man and own up to our baby, you know where to find me." 

I just sat there after she felt. In the girl's bathroom. Sitting against the wall, having a mid-life crisis at 17.

Alex's P.O.V.

"So I told her that she needs to---" Catherine paused and waved behind me, "Hey Keith!" 

I swirled around just to see Keith approaching us with a weak, forced grin on his face. "Hi," I greeted throwing my arms around him when he was in reaching distance. 

"Um--Alex, can I talk to you outside please?" he asked, looking toward Cat and Josh, who had forgotten all about us and was now walking toward the dance floor without a single good-bye. I rolled my eyes at them and nodded back to Keith. He took my hand gingerly and led me through the thick mob of people into the hallway.

"What's going on?" I asked now looking at Keith with concern.

"Olivia's pregnant," he blurted out, leaving me without words, "And she claims I'm the father. She wants me to choose between you and the baby. And I---I can't."

I felt like someone had just punched me in the stomach and kicked my ribs. I couldn't get any words out, I just stood there gaping. I was stupid to think giving Keith another chance would mean a brand new start. "Oh--I don't know what to say." I said almost in a whisper willing the tears not to fall on my face.

"Alex, this wasn't supposed to happen I didn't want to hurt you again," he reached for the hand that was playing with my dress material but I pulled it away.

"So, what did you choose?" I asked.

"I didn't yet. I was hoping we could continue our relationship and I'd pay child support, I don't want to go back with Olivia," he words faded with every word when he saw me shaking my head. I took one deep breath and spoke,

"That would be selfish of me. We're just in some high school relationship, we fool around and eventually break up. A child is with you for life, and I'm not about to deprive an innocent child from its father. Even it is in a wench's stomach." I laughed weakly at the end.

"So, you're saying this has to end?"

"Yes, Keith. I'm just a girl, I'll always be here and that baby is your own blood so---"

"You're handing me over to Olivia?" he asked as a look of horror overcame him.

"It's your fault. It takes two people to tango, and you've decided to dance with Olivia," I paused as I wiped a tear that ran down my cheek, "But no I'm not subjecting you to Olivia. I just don't want to be included. You can always go to court, but I won't be a part of it."

Sighing, Keith took a long look at my face before leaning in and kissing my forehead. "I won't forget you, Alex. Are you going in again?" I stepped back and shook my head. 

"I think I'll go home."

"Do you need a ride home?" he asked, acknowledging the fact I can't drive.

"No, I'll walk. That's how I got here. Bye Keith." I said walking toward the double doors, I was supposed to stay and help Emma with announcing the the best mask and dress of the evening but I didn't feel like congratulating anyone at the moment. All I wanted to do is curl up in the living room and watch some cheesy movie.

I hope this isn't one page or I'll sit there like :( anyways, have anyone of you read the Shopaholic series? (Confessions of a Shopaholic, Shopaholic Takes Manhattan, etc.) I am in LOVE with the series. We met at my library and I couldn't put it down so now I'm annoying my mother to buy me the 1st book, I have it on hold @ Borders :D.

Anyways, I should tell you guys one more upload to go and DON'T KILL ME FOR BREAKING THEM UP! Comment :) 15 votes

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