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he did as he was told and went to go change, he wanted time to pass quickly.

pulling a shirt over his head then pulling it down while patting away the wrinkles. he walked back to the living room and kitchen where his mom was waiting.

she was leaning on a counter in the kitchen, looking at the dining table, "sit." she said.

he did as he was told and sat down on the table where his plate was, he was across from his mom who was in the kitchen, looking at the side with her arms crossed.

he picked up his spoon and began eating slowly. he ate so much earlier that he was already full, but for the sake of his mother, he tried his best.

"what's your reason?" she asked.

he understood what she was talking about, but he wanted to make an excuse. maybe he should play dumb? hopefully she wouldn't see right through him.

"reason for what?" he asked, pretending to be confused.

she clicked her tongue, scoffing at his response before she lifted herself up and away from the counter, "your reason for missing practice."

sunghoon just widened his eyes, even though he knew she was going to say this, "i thought i didn't have practice today..." he muttered, obviously lying.

"sunghoon don't lie to me. you're always so diligent and punctual when it comes to practice." she sighed, "tell me, what were you doing?"

sunghoon just looked down and slowly pushed his plate away, "i was hanging out." he paused, "with kyu."

his mom's eyes widened, "kyu? namkyu?? don't tell me you're causing trouble again, sunghoon." she said, worried.

he slightly chuckled, "what? do you think i'm 'bullying' her again?"

"you know what you did, and you know better than to repeat your mistake. don't you remember how bad you felt that day? you stayed in your room for weeks!"

he nodded, taking in her word's carefully. he knows this dare will lead to nothing but negativity, and he knows that he doesn't want to hurt her again.

so why is he continuing with the dare if he doesn't want to hurt her?

"i wont, mom. i'm trying to make it up to her." he says. he wasn't sure if that was the truth or not. he'd like to think that it was the truth, but he also knows that he's only with her because of a dare.

"good." she muttered, "i'll talk to your coach, just work harder okay? namkyu's a good girl, i'm trusting you."

it sounded like she cared more about namkyu than him, but that's how it should be.

sunghoon never explained anything, about why he was like that to her.

maybe if he did, then people would be less angry at him.

he stood up from his seat, "thanks." he said shortly before pushing his chair in and bringing his plate to the sink.

as he was about to leave, his mom stopped him, "and sunghoon." she said.

he looked back, waiting for her to speak.

"i saw your test marks." she said, making his eyes widen, "your uncle told me."

he just averted his eyes to the floor, "that i failed?"

she nodded in disappointment, "please work harder next time." she said.

"will do." he replied, quickly leaving the area and walking back to his room.

he did his night routine before landing on his bed, hugging it with open arms. he laid down like a starfish, stomach facing down.

"ughhhhhh." he groaned loudly into his pillow.

he quickly remembered the moments earlier, when he was dropping namkyu off home.

her smile was really nice. if dating her meant that he could see that smile forever, then could this dare just not be a dare at all?

how would the dare end anyway? would she have to find out, or would he have to breakup with her?

he didn't know what to think, but thinking about this would just drain him. 'just enjoy it now before you regret it later.' he thought.

walking down the halls to get to class, sunghoon spotted a group of students gathered near the posters beside his classroom door.

he felt a slap on his shoulder, causing him to turn around. it was jay, "sup sunghoonie woonie patootie." he said in a cute voice, causing sunghoon to give him a disgusted look, almost gagging as well.

he shrugged his shoulder aggressively to get jay's hand off, "ugh gross." he glared, "anyway, what's going on there?" he asked.

jay just looked towards the group of people before furrowing his brows then going ahead to check out what all the fuss is about.

sunghoon stayed a bit distanced, not wanting to merge with the crowd.

he waited until jay got back, he had a surprised look on his face, "dude. we're having a sports day with all the classes in our grade. we gotta sign up for what we wanna do." jay explained, making sunghoon raise a brow.

"sports day? why'd nobody say anything?" sunghoon asked.

jay shrugged, "dunno man. it was kinda expected since it's at this time of year. all the 2nd years have to participate in it." jay explains, looking excited, "it's really fun." he added.

sunghoon just nodded, "lookin forward to it." he muttered, "what are you doing?" he asks.

"i wanna do the intense capture the flag for sure." jay winked. sunghoon decided to sign up for that one as well.

"and by the way. it's not only one thing you join, you can participate in many." jay explains again.

he nods, going to the poster as people leave. they both write their names down on the events they wanted to do before walking into class.

he quickly met eyes with namkyu who was sitting down and watching him walk in. she gave him a smile in which he shyly nodded in return before sitting next to her.

"hi." namkyu greets.

"hi." he replies. he scanned the seated girl. from the head, down to her clothes before stopping when he noticed something strange.

there was something above her elbow.

and it seemed to be a bruise...

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