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++ a/n: i'm nearly out of storage so it'll be hard to post uds from now on unless i'm on my laptop so i'll try my best 🫶🫶 (i hope u understand) but like— as if i post daily uds anyw...😭😭

also, that ring toss thingy was just made up. i have no idea when and why i thought of that.

ok!happy reading!!


from the corner of my eye, i could see the four boys (that had just finished their race) coming towards us. i turned a bit until my knees were almost facing jihyun so that just maybe... they wouldn't come to us.

as if that would work.

they still came anyway. most likely because i was friends with the soon-to-be girlfriend of niki, otherwise they would've went elsewhere. i'm not mad about whatever was going on with between them, i just didn't like the fact that his little friend group included that one person.

if anything, i actually hope for her love story to end up wayyy better than mine.

i could feel myself sweating and i couldn't tell if it was because of the weather, or because of who was with them. his eyes pierced through my skin and i could just tell he was staring at me. god, he wasn't even trying to hide it.

using my hand as a fan to get rid of this heat i was feeling, only dragged more of the attention towards me. which was the last thing i wanted.

jungwon raised a brow, looking at me with a concerned face. "you okay? you're beet-red." he asked, switching spot's with jake so that he was in front of me.

i looked around, putting my acting skills on. "huh? i am? it's just... really hot for some reason." i nervously chuckle, hoping i nailed that.

this only made them more confused. i looked at jihyun and gave her a worried smile before looking away, avoiding any eye contact.

"but it's like... quite windy right now." sunghoon replied, making me flinch from his voice.

haha... bastard.

he knew i was just making up an excuse and still decided to take his chance and embarrass me.

they all chuckled and agreed while nodding, i slowly looked up and stared at him, only to see him staring back. i fixed it into a glare before i looked away and pulled on jihyun's shirt, "um...jihyun?"

she turned her head and leaned closer since my voice was so quiet, "what is it?" she whispered back.

"well... i just wanted to ask if we could go-"

"hey jihyun! remember that thing i bought you in like... 4th grade? yeah, you still owe me money. i'll forget about it if you come with me to get some drinks and snacks, sound good?" niki smirked with his arms crossed. he had this boxy smile and i just wanted to smack him in the face for interrupting me.

jihyun scoffed, "seriously? you never get over things." she rolled her eyes before standing up.

my heart dropped, she wasn't really going, was she??

"alright, let's go so you can stop bugging me." she pushed niki's shoulder slightly, looking back at me with an apologetic smile.

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