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"anyone still in there? hurry up so i can lock this door!" one of the gym teacher's yelled outside of the girl's change rooms.

"one second!" jihyun yelled back, clearly annoyed. it was just her and namkyu who were left in the change rooms. jihyun was struggling to do namkyu's hair since her hair tie suddenly broke from how thick her hair was.

namkyu would've been able to do her hair properly if she had a hairbrush with her, but unfortunately, she didn't have one with her.

jihyun wasn't that good at doing hair since she never had her hair up unless it was a special occasion. if namkyu knew that she was this bad at tying up hair, then she would've just done it herself.

"hurry up, hurry up!" namkyu whisper-yelled, patting her lap as if time would go faster.

"i'm trying!" jihyun retorted, putting her stress into the hair-doing, which only made things worse.

she finally finished and namkyu immediately stood up, "how do i look?"

jihyun looked at her appearance for a few seconds before forcing a smile on her face, "it's good." she nervously said.

if she were to be honest, which would probably be a kind thing to do, then it'd just hurt her pride knowing she's terrible at doing hair.

"okay! let's go." namkyu said, grabbing jihyun's hand and pulling her out of the change room.

in the hallway near the change rooms, one of the gym teachers was leaning against the wall while on his phone. they assumed he was the one from earlier, the one who was rushing them.

soon enough, once they made eye contact with the teacher before passing him, he said something under his breath, "finally, what were they possibly doing in there?" he huffed, parting away from the wall and walking towards the change room.

with a good ear, jihyun stopped her tracks and turned around, visibly annoyed with what he had said. "it was that time of month, seonsaeng-nim." jihyun replied with a fake smile, "that's why."

the teacher choked on his own spit, turning his head and looking back at jihyun, "o-oh, i see. sorry." he apologized, embarrassed.

jihyun smiled as she was satisfied, turning back around to namkyu who was hiding her giggles with her hand, "what? teachers like him are so annoying." she rolled her eyes.

"yeah yeah, okay. can we go now?" namkyu asked, wiping the newly formed tear from her eye.

jihyun nodded, returning the laughter after seeing namkyu's reaction. "alright." she chuckled.

they eventually made it outside, only a few minutes late. nobody really cared anyway, not even the teacher since he was so focused on everyone else.

namkyu suddenly remembered the note that was being passed to her earlier.

oh right. jungwon...

she turned her head to the direction of the bleachers and that's where she saw him, sitting with a plastic water bottle in his hand. it reminded her of something, but she couldn't figure out what.

since she suddenly spaced out while looking at him, she didn't realize he was staring back at her until jihyun brought her back to reality, "namkyuuu!" jihyun whined.

she turned back to jihyun, "oh, sorry. what were you saying?"

the other sighed, "i was asking if you wanted to practice one of the events we signed up for together, the ring toss relay?" she looked over at the area for that specific event. namkyu looked over as well and noticed that niki was there, already practicing with his fellow classmates.

namkyu hesitantly shook her head, "um, i have to do something first. you can go ahead though." she replied, looking to the side.

jihyun was a bit suspicious, but she decided to ignore it, "suit yourself, see ya." she chuckled, running over to where niki was.

namkyu sighed, turning around and walking to the meeting spot. there were a few others on the bleachers as well, but nowhere near jungwon.

she went over to him, looking at him a few times on the way. he didn't stare at her even once when she arrived.

"you wanted to talk to me?" she spoke while staring down at him, not bothering to take a seat.

he slowly shifted his attention to her, he definitely knew she was there and that she was already walking over, but he didn't look at her for whatever reason.

his eyes made it's way to her face before getting distracted by her messy hairdo. "u-uh yeah." he replied, "sit down." he added.

she did as she was told and sat next to him, putting her hands on her lap politely.

"well, i wanted to say that i shouldn't have approached you like that. you know... with the snack and all." she stared over at his hands and noticed how he was picking at the wrapper of his plastic water bottle. he was probably nervous.

she looked up at him as he continued, "i'm sorry about talking to you like that, i didn't really mean to come off in that way." he said all at once, making her nod her head.

she understood now that he just wanted to properly apologize to her. although, she wasn't sure if he wanted her to say something else, because all she did was forgive him so that it could end quickly. proper closure was always good.

"it's alright, i did react in an unnecessary way." she chuckled nervously while rubbing her nape, "let's just forget about it, yeah?" she smiled, standing up.

he stared at her quietly without saying anything. so she concluded that the conversation was over, turning around to leave.

that's when he took a hold of her wrist just like last time, making her turn around swiftly.

"wait." he said while looking down.

she looked at her wrist, confused. her heart was racing and she didn't know why... was it because she was startled?

jungwon finally found the right words and slowly looked up at her.

"don't you want to talk about it?"


speaking of periods...

y do teachers act like it's such a big deal
when u say smt like that like omds 💀

i remember being asked y i was
in the bathroom for so long n i said that
"i was on my period" BC ITS TRUE & NORMAL

but then he was like, oh u could've
said it was that time of month or u had
'women' issues like bruh ur so dramatic.

but hes the one who literally asked
what i was doing in the BATHROOM ?!!
wdy expect me to say my boi.
don't come complaining that i said too much
when UR lil bald headass asked first 😒

ok sorry i rly needed to
let that out cuz that memory
from grd 8 has stuck w me n i've
been annoyed since...

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