13. Let's Not Make Things Complicated.

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"You're being quiet today. Are you sure everything's okay?" Elena asks from the drivers seat of her car.

It's mid Saturday. Her and her mother are taking a quick trip to the store for more boxes and boxing tape. This left Mrs. Meza making sandwiches for everyone while the boys continued moving boxes. She's been so in her head, staring out the window and chewing her bottom lip. The signs and houses and buildings pass in a blur. Hearing Mom's voice snaps her out of it.

"Hm? Oh. Sorry," She straightens up in the seat a little and looks forward. "Yeah. I'm okay. Just a little tired."

"How's school going?"

She can tell Mom's just trying to make an effort. Usually she doesn't have to make so much of one. Will's an open book in their relationship. It's always been that way. But she doesn't want to talk to Mom about any of this. She can't. "Pretty much the same. I've got to get some homework done tonight. How's work?"

"Oh, you know, same old same old. David's a sexist pig."

"I keep telling you to quit."

"I know, and I will. Once the holidays have passed. But don't try to turn the conversation around," Mom says. "How are things going with Anthony? He was so excited to see you today."

"They're fine. He's nice. But honestly, Mom, I don't really like him more than a friend." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Is there anyone you're interested in right now?" Elena looks over at her, a hopeful look on her face. But it's not there because she wants her daughter to find someone or be boy hungry or anything like that. She's simply hopeful Willow will talk to her.

She's either forced to lie or keep shutting her out like this, which will just cause more concern and that could create bigger problems. She swallows. "Yeah, there is. B-But it's still a relatively new... development."

"Oooh really?" Elena's voice picks up with excitement. "Tell me about him! Please? What's his name?"

Shit. "Um..." Suddenly she can't think of a single other boy's name in the world other than Jace. Jace Jace Jace Jace. "It's, uh..." Her throat feels thick. Then there's a light bulb. "H-His name's Ryder. Yeah, it's Ryder."

"Ryder? Isn't that Jace's friend?"

"Yeah," Way to go, Will. Good problem solving. "That's why it's so... awkward. And why I'm being so quiet. I don't want Jace to find out."

"You think he'd be mad?"

It's the only humorous thing about the situation. Jace would be furious but it's not the truth. It's the 'truth' that works for now. Another white lie. They're just going to keep building from here, aren't they? At least it makes it a little easier to talk to mom. She's going to have to fill Jace in later. "I'm not sure. Maybe not mad. He might feel weird about it though. We're all kind of friends now. Or at least we hang out at lunch together. Me, Jace, Ryder, and Zoey."

Her mom nods. "Interesting. So does Ryder know? Does he like you back? Has anything happened?"

She doesn't know why she laughs. "No! No. I don't think so. I... like I said, it's still really new. Nothing's happened. I don't know if anything will."

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