Bonus chapter: Secrets.

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In the weeks following her return to California, it's surprisingly easy falling into a new life with Jace. She'd been able to arrange a moving company to transport her belongings from New York, not without the help of Liam of course. And her former boss Bradley kept true to his word of putting in a good recommendation to his friend Robert McClendon. Such a good word that Robert McClendon called her himself to offer her a position within his law firm. Once her stuff arrived in the moving truck, her and Jace made his home into their home. Everything fell into place like it was all meant to happen this way.

She treasures every one of their little moments together. Climbing into bed next to him each night, falling asleep to the sound of his heart beat and his steady breathing. Waking up in his arms each morning, greeted by his groggy voice and the sleep circles under his eyes. Standing next to each other at the Jack and Jill bathroom sinks as they get ready for work in the morning. Pouring him coffee and kissing him goodbye when they part to drive their separate routes. Coming home to have dinner with him and chatting about their day. Playing board games and watching TV shows on the couch. On the weekends, they try new restaurants and go to the drive in movies. Sometimes they'll have double dates with Zoey and Ryder, who are still blissfully in the honeymoon phase of their marriage.

Her relationship with her mom has improved as well. With zero secrets between them and only living half an hour away from each other, their bond is back to what it was before Mom married Jack. Elena's been one of the couples' biggest supporters. Jack, on the other hand, is still ignorant to the step siblings relationship. Will has left that decision up to Jace, and Jace is content with having his father in the dark. "I'll tell him when the time's right" is all Jace says about it. She's not sure when the right time is but she's in no rush. Who knows how Jack will react? It's not like they really need his approval anyways.

It's a random Sunday morning when she feels Jace's fingers running along her bare back. She smiles in her sleepy haze. "That feels nice." She says in a tired voice, not opening her eyes just yet. She faces the long window and feels the sun on her face. It's an amazing feeling. She wishes she could stay in this moment forever.

He kisses her hair, his voice close to her ear. "Let me take you to breakfast. There's a new brunch place I want to try with you."

Her smile grows. She's more awake as her stomach grumbles at the thought of hash browns and pancakes, him across the table giving her that boyish smile. The rest of the world disappears when that man looks at her. "Sounds good. Let me hop in the shower. Wanna join?"

"You know normally I'd never pass up that opportunity. I just need to make a few phone calls. Is that okay?"

She turns around to face him as she wakes up more, yawning. She's greeted by the sight of him already fresh and clean, dressed in a blue button down and some khaki shorts. His hair is soft, his face shaved. He's such a dream boat. "Totally fine. I'll be quick then."

"Take your time," He leans down to kiss on her the lips, he tastes like their tooth paste. "I''ll get the shower started for you and a fresh towel."

After she showers, she changes into the new white sundress she got. She likes the way it looks on her and she hasn't had a chance to show it off to him yet. Now seems as good of a time as any. She pairs it with Converse because she wants to be comfortable. She does her makeup because it makes her feel good; some light coats of mascara and brown eyeliner, a nice blush on her cheek bones, and gloss on her lips.

When she finishes getting ready, she heads out to the living room, hearing Jace's voice. She can't decipher what it is he's saying but he sounds nervous. He's out on the patio talking on his cell phone. She watches him from the dining room, wanting to respect his space, still concerned. He's pacing back and forth and listening intently to whatever's being said to him on the other end of the line.

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