36. Motherly Advice.

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Liam told her she could take as much time as she needed to move her things out. It was only then that she realized she's going to have to actually pack her things and move them across the country for the second time in her life.

After giving Liam the news, she returned to her room that night and immediately text Zoey, giving zero context except asking for Jace's number. It only took her 10 minutes to respond with the contact information but it was 10 minutes too long. Zoey's only response was the emoji of the eyeballs looking to the side curiously.

She didn't bother replying. She saved his number to her phone and began typing out a text message. She must've stayed up for an hour and a half rewriting and rewording it only to delete all of it. She thought about calling him. She nearly pressed the button a few times, completely disregarding the time difference. She ends up talking herself out of it. This isn't a conversation she wants to have over the phone. She wants to see him.

Early the next morning, she gets on the phone with her Mom to see if she'd be able to fly in and stay at the house to visit. Mom's too ecstatic to even question the reason, already talking about how she'll make up her old bedroom.

On Monday, she goes into work straight to Bradley's office. He smiles up at her as if he's already expecting her.

"I'm afraid you might not be smiling after you hear what I have to say." She warns sheepishly, closing the glass door behind her. "Do you have a moment?"

"Only if it's good news." He says sarcastically, folding the newspaper and placing it on his desk. Bradley refuses to read the news on his phone.

She takes a seat in one of the armchairs on the opposite side of his large desk. "I have to quit."

He frowns. "You have to?"

"I have to." She plays with her fingers in her lap. "As of today, actually. I'm sorry it's not two weeks notice. Believe me, none of this was planned."

He searches her face with a question on his. He leans in and lowers his voice, "is someone holding you at gun point? Are you in danger?"

She knows he's joking but she still feels bad. "Unfortunately this is just a case of me being dumb."

"I don't appreciate you talking about my favorite employee like that," He rises from his chair, buttoning his blazer as he makes his way around the desk to sink into the chair next to her. "Sorry, ex-employee."

"Have you lost all respect for me?" She asks.

He chuckles. "Not at all. Quite the opposite actually. I don't know what's going on but... I have a feeling you're making the best decision for you. That's not always an easy thing to do."

The man is a master when it comes to his gut feelings, they never stir him wrong. She hopes he's right about her making the best decision for herself.

She smiles softly. "I really enjoyed this job. Thank you for taking a chance on me."

"No, thank you for taking a chance on me," He smiles back. "Do me a favor?" He leans forward to reach for his notepad and pen, scribbling down something very quickly. Luckily she's learned how to decipher his handwriting by now. "I'd love to set up a meeting for you with an old colleague of mine. Robert McClendon. He's got a law firm out there. Same type of clientele. I'll put in a good word for you if you're interested."

"Seriously?" It's a pleasant surprise but still shocks her, especially when she showed up here to quit. He shouldn't be rewarding her with favors like this.

"When have you ever known me to be serious?" He winks after handing her the paper with what must be Robert's contact information.


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