Bonus chapter: Jealousy.

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*one month post engagement*

It's summer, which means he is without a job for several weeks. Despite this fact, he still wakes up early this Friday morning on a mission. A mission to make today spectacular. Because today is Willow Clarke's 26th birthday.

He manages to wake up before her— and the alarm she routinely sets for 6:15am during the work week—slipping his pillow into her arms to replace him so as to not disturb her sleep when he slips out of their bedroom, closing the door quietly behind him.

The next half hour is dedicated to preparing her favorite breakfast while making as little noise as possible in the kitchen. He arranges a plate with fresh cut fruit, french toast with powdered sugar and loads of maple syrup, and an even number of crispy bacon strips. He also makes sure to include coffee just the way she likes it: room for plenty of cream and sugar. He places it all on a tray which can easily be carried into the bedroom, also making room to include the small vase with a single red rose in it and a card he signed propped up against it.

"Will, baby, wake up," He encourages her softly, rubbing her back gently to stir her awake in these early morning hours. She hasn't moved since he got up. "I've got breakfast."

He was surprised when she announced she wouldn't be taking her birthday off this year. The true sign of adulthood, she joked. But the truth is, she's dedicated to her job and wants to save her PTO for when it really matters, that was her explanation. Plus her firm's recently taken on a new client, which seems to have brought more stress than the job already demands.

"You didn't have to do that, babe." She mumbles tiredly, sitting up with her eyes half closed still. Her hair is sticking up and his shirt she's wearing is wrinkled. "Thank you. It smells amazing."

He kisses her head, lifting the tray of food over to her and setting it up so she doesn't spill. "Happy birthday."

She smiles against his shoulder when the two embrace one another, sideways as to not bump the tray. "It's already the best birthday I've had in a long time."

They spend time eating breakfast together in bed, stealing sweet syrup flavored kisses in between bites. He doesn't want this moment to end but he knows it has to. He takes time after breakfast to start the shower for her, getting it to the temperature she prefers. He throws a towel into the dryer for her so it's warm when she gets out.

He cleans the kitchen while she showers and gets ready for the day. By 7:35 she's walking out of the bedroom dressed in one of her signature looks. A black blazer that exposes how small her waist is, a silk tank top underneath, a pair of matching trousers, heels, her work badge hanging from her right pocket. Her hair is fresh and clean, bouncy and fills the air with the scent of strawberries. Her makeup highlights her big brown eyes and her lips are burgundy.

"You're so fucking sexy." He slips out while his eyes continue looking her up and down. He feels a sense of pride when he recognizes the blue sapphire on her left ring finger.

That's right. This is his girl.

"I'm bringing you lunch today. What sounds good?" He tries to stall her from leaving, his fingers moving to the buttons on her jacket, threatening to open it.

"Ooh, how about that Thai place?" She volunteers, doing the double check for all her things; tote bag, phone, car keys, badge.


"Let's say 12:15 to be safe." She leans in to press her lips to his cheek, managing not to leave any lipstick stain. He struggles not to hold her close and block the door, take her back to the bedroom and give her a few birthday presents she won't forget.

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