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"I'm sorry, darling" the brunette woman poured another glass of wine "What are you going to do now? What about the restaurants?"

"I thought about taking a loan from the bank"

"It's risky And you would not get a
great amount" Jennie pointed

"For God's sake, Jisoo! Why don't you take a chance and give yourself to this romance once and for all? What else are you waiting for? A white horse?" Jisoo was startled by her friend's unexpected reaction However, what scared her the most was not knowing the answer to that question

First, it was her mother Now, her best friend

Was Jisoo that wrong? After a few days, Jennie's question still echoed in Jisoo's mind

Had she done everything wrong?

She just followed her heart after all As much as she loved Taehyung, she couldn't let this love speak louder than her own principles

On the other hand, the fear of losing him forever was painful

During all those days, he didn't call her, not even once

Had he already given up?

Maybe billionaires didn't have time to waste with confused girls

"Jisoo, dear You are sad, you are losing weight and every day you feel bad Don't you think it's time to see the doctor? I'm worried about you" said, looking at her daughter

"I'm fine, mom" Jisoo replied faintly

"Your father is training the staff today Why don't you join us? You need to distract yourself"

"Ok" stared at her daughter in concern Jisoo avoided talking lately, she was always asleep and she threw up from time to time

Should call Taehyung and tell him what was going on? Apparently, the young woman was just suffering from a broken heart

The two women dressed and decided to walk to the restaurant, as it was only five blocks away Maybe if Jisoo got some sunlight she would feel better

Jisoo was distracted, looking at store windows Nothing made her feel better though

That emptiness inside her only increased and the idea of having driven Taehyung away because of that bullshit was consuming her

As she passed a news stand, a magazine cover caught Jisoo's attention Was that Taehyung?

She stopped to get a better look and that was Taehyung for sure And beside him was a beautiful blonde woman, wearing a very short dress Tzuyu? No way

"Jisoo? What's wrong? You're pale!"

The young woman didn't have time to answer her mother, as everything started to get dark and she felt her body soften, without the strength to stand

"Jisoo!" shouted

Jisoo opened her eyes and blinked a few times to get used to the light

Where was she? Why was there an irritating beep ringing in her ears over and over?

She felt her body weak, unable to get up, so she just looked around What was she doing in a hospital room?

Her heart raced and the beep started to sound louder, nonstop Suddenly a nurse came running into the room, with right behind her

"Ms.Kim, you need to calmdown Please, breathe in and out slowly"

"Mom, what am I doing here?" Jisoo asked desperately

"Darling, calm down! Everything is ok now I'm here with you" gently stroked her hair

The nurse did some basic checks and left Jisoo stared at her mother in silence

"What happened?" she asked to break the silence

"You fainted" answered kindly

"Am I sick?"

"I don't think so You have had a check-up and the doctor will soon come with the results" held Jisoo's hand "How are you feeling now?"

"I... I don't know" she replied in a shaky voice "Did you see? Taehyung and Tzuyu were having dinner together"

"I'm sorry, darling" the middle-aged woman sighed "Maybe he has a good explanation for that"

"Why are you always defending him? I'm you daughter!" shouted the last sentence with tears streaming down her face

"I'm not defending him, Soo I'm just saying the truth has two sides You should talk to him if it bothers you so much"

Jisoo couldn't answer; she just let the tears flow as if they were going to cleanse her soul and end that unbearable pain in her chest

After a few seconds, Jisoo asked

"Does dad know that I'm here? You should go check on him, His heart..."

"Don't worry I called him and said we are having a girl's day" Jisoo just nodded The doctor came into the room with some papers in his hands

"Hello,! I have good news for you!" the doctor sounded excited

"Am I released?"

"Almost You were a little dehydrated, so you need to finish this bag of serum first" he checked her eyes, her blood pressure and her temperature "Well, everything is ok You just need to feed yourself better The baby needs vitamins and nutrients to grow healthy"

"What are you talking about? What baby?" Jisoo asked confused

"Oh, you didn't know? You're expecting a baby! Congratulations, mom-to-be!"


𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 Where stories live. Discover now