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"I-I'm not hiding anything, Taehyung" she stated in a shaky voice

"I see. You still don't trust me" he dropped her hand abruptly

When he spoke again, his voice was cold and distant "Good night, Jisoo"

She closed the door and he drove away immediately

Jisoo wrapped her arms around her body to keep herself warm

Once again, she had ruined everything

After a few days, the restaurant's grand opening had finally arrived

Mr and couldn't be happier and more euphoric, while Jisoo smiled on the outside and slowly died on the inside

Taehyung never got in touch after that dinner

Had he decided to move on without her? Would he show up that night?

The thought of seeing him warmed her heart and made her a little more excited, so she decided to go to the salon and buy a special outfit for that occasion

Perhaps it was the perfect time to tell Taehyung the truth

Jisoo decided she was going to face her fears She couldn't take any more suffering in advance She missed him a lot

Taehyung was seated in his office, his thoughts across the city

What else could he do for Jisoo to take him back? It was clear that she was suffering, so why was she making it difficult?

His phone rang, bringing him back to reality Upon looking at the display, Taehyung answered immediately

"Hi, dad"

"Hello, son How are you doing?"

"I'm good, thanks. How are you? Is everything ok?" Taehyung asked worried

"Yes. I'm just calling to know about that millionaire contract Did you manage to close the deal?"

"Not yet Hyunjin is pressing on the other side, so the negotiation is being a little more difficult He is offering conditions that we know are impossible to fulfill”

"Tae, be careful. Hyunjin never plays fair" the old man warned

"Don't worry, dad. Hyunjin is no match for me"

“Ok, son. I trust you” Mr.Kim gave a pause "How's Jisoo?"

Taehyung held his breath when he heard her name "She's fine Look, dad I need to go now I have a lot of things to do today?"

"Ok, Talk to you soon Bye"

When Taehyung thought about answering, the phone was already off

Jisoo...He couldn't wait to see her that night

The restaurant was beautiful. Very nicely decorated, in a rustic style

There were few people when Taehyung arrived Everyone watched him

After all, what was the biggest billionaire doing at the opening of a restaurant in Daegu?

Taehyung didn't care about anything, he just wanted to find her

After a few hours, the place was crowded Taehyung looked around again until his eyes fixed on the entrance, where she was

He looked her up and down as he let the air out of his lungs slowly

Jisoo was more beautiful than ever and exuded power and security For a moment, he wondered who that woman was.

She had changed her hair, which was now waist-length

She was wearing a black dress, which exalted her breasts due to the  cleavage Speaking of, did they look bigger than Taehyung remembered, or was he already going crazy?

He felt heat rising through his body, and his arousal was already showing signs of life

Taehyung took a sip of champagne as Jisoo walked towards him, with a naughty smile on her lips Their eyes were locked on each other

He could only think of how that woman was his downfall

"Good evening, Mr. Kim My partner in business" she said sarcastically

"We could be partners in life too but it only depends on you" Taehyung smirked

She bit her lower lip and changed the subject “Did you like the place?”

"Yes, It's cozy You did a great job, Jisoo"

"Thank you" She glanced around "I need to greet some guests I'll be right back”

He just nodded and raised his glass, as if it was a silent toast She smiled and walked out towards a group of people, greetings excitedly

Taehyung watched her for most of the night The affection with which she treated her employees and guests, the attention she tried to give to each one She was wonderful

Her parents were just happiness They thanked Taehyung for helping Jisoo invest in that business

How could he say no to her?

The best reward was seeing that real smile on her face and those sparkling eyes

After a brief speech of thanks, some guests started to leave the place Taehyung didn't notice when she approached him

"You must be too interested in this venture to have stayed here all night" she mocked

He looked her in the eye and said with a half-smile “You can't imagine how interested I am"

Jisoo grinned "Look, I wanna talk to you It's important"

"You always have something important to say Hope this time it's the truth"

"It is" she said awkwardly "I..."

His phone rang, interrupting her speech He looked at the display and frowned

"Sorry, I need to answer"

"That's ok I'll go to the restroom I'll be back in a minute"

"Ok" he said turning around while answering the phone

Jisoo stood there, watching Taehyung walk away

Would she ever be able to tell him the truth?

Sometimes it seemed that their destiny was not to be together


𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚊𝚛𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝 Where stories live. Discover now