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Tim looked at the new clothes Toby's mum had bought him, they were pretty bland: a white shirt, black trousers, a red shirt, grey shorts and another white shirt, but baggy along with black shorts, which he assumed the last pair was his pyjamas, If not he was going to use them as that anyway.

"Have you tried them on?" Toby asked as he perked his head beside Tim to see the pile of clothes, raising an eyebrow at Tim. "Nah, Not yet, I probably should though." He began, "Be right back, Tob's!"

Again, Toby was left alone in his room.
Toby let out a sigh, a blush left on his face, though he wasn't so sure why it was there. He felt comfortable with Tim, well, He only recently started feeling that way. Tim wasn't as bad as he thought he'd be.
Toby turned on his heels looking out the window, going outside with Tim was the first time he'd been outside in years, It was Okay, though, he preferred to be inside.
It was a lot better than it was the day before, It was warm, and It gave off a reddish tint to the room. It was growing dark. Tim had been with him for a day now, Toby wondered if Tim's parents knew he was here.

Tim exited the bathroom, before stepping beside Toby by the window. "They fit."
Toby didn't respond, though he turned to face Tim. "Thanks for hanging out with me today.." He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "Hey, It's cool! It was fun! " Tim grinned. This was fun. Toby was a nice guy, he just didn't know how to show It, It made him seem dull, but Tim knew there was more to that. Toby smiled, now taking a proper look at Tim, he wore a grey shirt along with black baggy shorts, he slowly faced Tim, properly this Tim. The whole time Tim was here he refused to face Tim directly. Toby took a long look at his features: Tim had dark brown hair, almost black, a few cuts on his face, dark brown eyes almost the same shade as his hair, His hair was neat, the fringe just about meeting his eyebrows along with sideburns that made his way down to his ears. He wasn't bad looking, especially for the guys he had seen at school years back. He was quite attractive. The blush on Toby's face had remained, yet felt more present.

Toby's clothing was odd, well for Tim. He knew if he had seen him in school, he would instantly be a target. Tim wasn't the greatest person, but he liked Toby.
Toby wore a long dark grey shirt, way too baggy for his size, a black soft jacket, and baggy dark grey trousers along with a chain that was attached to them. Toby smiled. "Hungry?" He asked. Tim blushed, taking that as a flirt, but he knew Toby was asking a genuine question.

Why was he blushing anyway? He was straight.

"Uhm- Yeah, What are we going to eat?" Tim spoke, walking beside him. "What do you want?" Toby asked, not bothering to face him. "I don't mind, anythings fine." He said, offering a sweet smile. Toby nodded in retort.

This time Toby didn't pause and walked right into the kitchen, sighing loudly. Tim placed a hand on his shoulder, Toby tensed before allowing Tim to at least try to comfort him. He smiled before looking in the freezer. Toby gasped. "What? What's wrong?" Tim asked, trying to peek around Toby. "Oh, We have dinosaurs." Toby giggled. "I've never had thos-"
"You never had them?" Toby cut him off. A frown on his face. "Erm- No?" Tim mumbled, they couldn't be that good. "Too bad I can't use the oven," Toby mumbled. "Why?" Tim asked, "Because I have tourettes, stupid." Toby stated, before holding a fork, and a few seconds later his hand twitched it before a final jerk causing him to drop it. "See?" Toby muttered, a frown clinging to his face. "Yeah, I get it." Tim paused before an idea came to his head, "Hey, You give the instructions and I'll cook!" He grinned, Toby smiled, "Yay!" He called out, standing close beside Tim, his head against Tim's shoulder, Tim blushed before turning on the oven.

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