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=×. ×=

Toby took a sandwich from the canteen before sitting at his self-proclaimed designated seat that was in between Jack and Clockwork.

Jack watched as Toby sat beside him, "Hey, how was yesterday?" he asked, referring to his mission.

Toby took a moment to think, should he lie? Maybe he could make the mission seem more exciting?

"Shitty. I didn't even get any sleep." He confessed, maybe Jack would understand, he was a proxy after all.

"I get that, though, for your first mission he gave you quite a hard one." Jack explained, Toby rolled his eyes in agreement, "So you did really good." He gave Toby a wholehearted smile before taking a bit from his sandwich.

"Thanks Jack."
Toby felt a tap on his shoulder, He turned head to be met with Tim.

"We need to talk." He explained, Toby got up of his chair and pushed it back under and followed behind to a more empty part of the canteen. "Are you avoiding me?" He asked as he put a gentle grip on the others shoulder, "Or are you just busy, I don't want to assume you're avoiding me, it's just been bugging me." Tim confessed.
What was he supposed to say? He was avoiding Tim, and he'd feel like an asshole if he admitted that, so he did as any other would do, Lie.

"No, No- I've just been busy." He gave Tim a reassuring smile and slowly peeled the hand off him.

"So we're cool. Right?" Tim asked, his eyes begging for that to be truth, though Toby didn't respond. "Right?" he repeated himself awkwardly.

"I don't know Tim." Toby finally confessed, "You've got Brian now so you will be fine without me." Toby frowned and looked at the white, marble floor, he felt embarrassed.

"Toby, Is that how you really feel?" Tim sighed and wrapped his arms around Toby and pulled him into a hug that Toby found awkward, "I've really needed you and so has Brian, you're our friend after all." He sighed, Toby rested his chin on the others shoulder and smiled, "I'm sorry, i've really missed you." He confessed, Toby pulled out of the hug and thought about the mission he had just finished a few hours ago, Tim's been here longer, has he been on a mission?
"Hey, Tim?" Toby asked as he stepped back for room, Tim quirked an eyebrow, "Have you been on a mission yet?" he asked, Tim glanced sadly at the floor, "would you be upset if I did?"
Toby shook his head, "I have to admit, I felt nothing while killing that guy, well, Recording the guy get killed." Toby confessed before raising two hands up in defence, "And so did Clockwork, She was the one that killed him!" He quickly defended himself as he saw the horror in the others eyes. "Nothing at all?" Tim asked, His eyes glued to the floor, he seemed Dissapointed. "What do you mean?" Toby asked,
'What was he talking about and what was with that look? '
Tim's eyes rose from the floor and faced Toby.
"Not even guilt? You said you felt nothing," Tim spoke, his voice seemed vacant and distant. It was now obvious that they had opposite opinions to their new 'jobs'.
"I mean, I felt nervous about the timing and being caught?" He felt attacked at Tim's questioning, he felt as if he was being treated like a monster, Tim had also killed, so why was he in the wrong.
Tim sighed and faced the table Toby was sitting at, Jack, Clockwork and some kid he hadn't seen before was watching them, "Seems like your friends are waiting for you." Tim spoke, He was seemed to be spacing out. "Yeah, I guess."
The awkward tension rose as the both stood facing anything but each other, The silence was killing each other, Tim made the decision to break it off.
"You should probably head back then."

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