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Last chapter.

Days had passed since their last hangout, Toby was evading Tim the best he could; well he couldn't avoid thinking about him. He lay in bed, head churning with thoughts. He fell in love with his best friend, who most likely wouldn't return the feelings, it hurt knowing that but it's something he'd have to get by comprehending. He was glad to hear. A knock interrupt him, his thoughts were leaving him more upset about the situation. It was probably Natalie as they had arranged to meet up today and get food together. Lifting his head from his bed, he peered over at the door. "be there in a second." he chirped, picking himself up from his bed and changing into his usual set of clothes. Lastly, he checked himself in the mirror, making sure he was presentable, and made his way to the door. He smiled as he swung the door open, only to be met with a distressed Tim.
"Have you been avoiding me?" Tim asked, lowering his brows, his lips curbed into a frown. Toby's eyes made their way to the floor in shame as he thought of something to say but Tim spoke, once again. "I thought we were hitting it off," Tim mumbled, awkwardly as he stepped back to give him space. Toby sighed and nodded slowly in agreement as he stepped closer. "We were, I'm sorry."
He couldn't think of more to say, but he knew sorry wasn't enough, so he decided to use show him how he felt. Stepping even close he wrapped his arms around Tim, nuzzling his face into his neck as Tim on instinct, held him close to his chest. Toby peered up at Tim, his face coated with contentment.
"Well, I was hoping we could hang out today." Tim smiled, letting go of Toby, and setting his hands on his shoulders. Toby thought for a second, he was sure that Natalie would understand that a 'date' was more important than getting food. Well, that's what he was hoping it was, a date, though, that's not remotely close to what Tim said. "Sure, why not " he grinned, removing Tim's hands and making his way downstairs, Tim ensuing behind.

Leaving the mansion, he was met with a warm sun that clung to his skin, he couldn't help but smile, even more, gazing over at Tim whose smile was as charming as ever. "I was thinking since the woods hadn't changed, we could head back to the spot from yesterday?" he questioned, gazing over at the route to the area. "Sounds fun," Toby responded, softly taking Tim's hand and beginning his journey. They entered the woods and be tired the same route, the uneven land and patchy grass, the moss that adhered to the trees were now peeling due to the weather becoming colder. Christmas was coming up, and it made Toby tingle with anticipation, though he wasn't sure what to get his friends. They had helped him through so much, especially Tim and Natalie. Picking up his pace he thought about the blackberries, could he possibly pick them to hand out to the other residents? He lifted his head from the ground to Tim, a smile painting his face, eyes glistening, Tim turned to face him, almost as if he could feel Toby's excitement. He narrowed an eyebrow. "What if we picked blackberries for the others?" Toby asked, letting out a sweet giggle, gazing at Tim. Tim couldn't help but chuckle, he was so nice, too nice. He didn't deserve to be in a place filled with angsty teen murderers.
"Sure, why not."

Reaching the destination, it was just like how they left it. Still as beautiful, and filled with memories, Toby couldn't help but feel embarrassed about the fact they had overslept, and that he had woken up in his arms. It made him shift to shyness, did Tim think badly of him because of this? They were best friends after all, and best friends don't sleep together. Toby felt a hand firmly press onto his shoulder, facing Tim, he stood tall, his face relaxed as he nodded to Toby with a look of reassurance. Was he thinking the same thing? No, he wouldn't, Tim wouldn't have feelings for him. Realizing that Toby hadn't moved, still staring as if in deep thought, Tim nudged him again, eyebrows narrowed as he frowned. This got Toby's attention he jumped and glared at Tim with irritation, nudging him back with his elbow, a little more harshly than Tim. Turning away from Tim, he continued venturing forward into the spot, stopping in front of the blackberry bush to examine it. "They still look fine, especially for the weather," Toby commented, but he spoke so softly that he doubted that Tim had even heard him, realizing he had nothing to put them in he began to frown. He couldn't just bring back a few as he was afraid not all residents would have the chance to enjoy them. "You good?" Tim asked, setting down beside him, on his knees. "You seem to be in thought―you have been throughout the whole trip. What's bothering you?" he asked, his frown more visible and bitter, turning to face him, Toby felt as if he was ruining the mood, but he couldn't help it. Toby nodded slightly, turning away from him. "I'm fine, Tim. Promise." Toby answered, focusing his gaze on the blackberries, his eyes refocused on Tim. "I don't have anything to put them in," he muttered, narrowing his eyebrows and pouting. Tim shifted for a quick second before pulling his back off his shoulder, he was rambling about a plastic bag he had that could be used, which made Toby roll his eyes. Tim eventually pulled out a small see-through plastic zip-up bag and passed it to Toby for examination. Toby thought about it, it was useful, and there was nothing else to use, but it was quite small, though it would have to do.

After Toby had finished, he zipped the bag up and got off the floor, lending a hand for Tim to take, Tim took his hand stoutly and stood beside Toby.

Giving a final glance at the place, the two left, making their way back to the mansion, they would have stayed longer but collected the back berries was time-consuming and it was now dark with the only light source being stars that guided their way.
Toby paused as he realized that Tim had stopped walking and was staring at the ground, his face slightly coated red. Turning back, he stopped in front of Tim, eyebrows burrowed in confusion at Tim's lack of movement. "Tim, are you okay?" he asked, nervously, his arm resting on Tim's shoulder, in an attempt to comfort him. Tim peered up, and with no warning, pulled Toby near to his chest, he rested his hands on Toby's waist, pulling their lips together before parting. Within seconds, Tim began to apologize, hands up in embarrassment as he sprew out the absurdity.
Toby couldn't help but giggle, shaking his head at the sight of Tim―the most confident guy he's ever met, acting like a mess, just like himself. "What's funny? I already apologized." Tim muttered, shamefully. "You didn't need to. I liked it." Toby retorted, breathing more erratically due to his outburst of giggles. He reached his hand out for Tim to take and held his hand tightly. Tim's face was coated in a dark blush, eyes remaining fixated on the ground, but his smile was what made Toby's heart melt. "So are we― you know‒" Tim stammered, as he lowered a brow as he began walking, as Toby was now following behind, and Toby let out a soft hum in response. Before picking up his pace and looking over at Tim with a smile. "Now we've just got to wash these, and give 'em' out!" Toby grinned, watching as Tim shook his head as he laughed.

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