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Tim's eyes fluttered open, blinking a few times as he adjusted to the morning light, he focused on the boy beside him, realising that his arms were entangled around his best friend's waist. He felt a sensation that had recently taken over his thoughts whenever he'd look at him. But this time it was accompanied by a warm feeling that crept into his chest as his breathing hitched as he examined Toby's face, moving a strand of hair that was out of place. He felt exhausted and confused. did they fall asleep in the middle of nowhere? They should probably head back before people begin to worry about them.

He tapped Toby's shoulder, gently, Toby didn't give a reaction, he stayed dormant in his restful state. Nudging harder, Toby's eyes fluttered open, before squinting and taking an immediate look at the surroundings. "Fuck, we slept here?" He asked, frantically, getting to his feet and dusting the dirt off his trousers. Tim hummed in response, taking toby's hand and pulling himself off the forest floor, his clothes wet from the rain emitted through the trees at night, maybe their shelter wasn't as good as they had thought it was. "We should probably head back," Toby suggested, swerving his head in the direction they made their way through at the start. "It may rain again." He muttered, gaze fixed on the darkening clouds that held a dark grey his to them. Tim frowned. "We're more likely to have a thunderstorm." He grimaced, "We should probably head home. Now."

Tim passed Toby, intertwining his hand in Toby's as he took lead in front of him, pushing through the bushes, following the nearly subsided path that was hardly there to begin with. Tim slowed his pace, looking left and right. "Which way did we come?" He asked, swinging his head to face Toby. Toby whined, nervously. "Don't fuck with me, Tim." He frowned, nudging him. He tightened his grip on Tim's hand, now looking both ways, frantically. Tim but into a fit of laughter, "I'm only messin' with you." Heading right, pushing past the last bit of undergrowth and sprawling lichen.

"Anddd we're free!" Tim declared, separating his hand from Toby's and slinging it around his shoulder. Toby groaned with relief, bringing his hands to his eyes and wiping the drowsiness from them and rising on his feet, stretching. "Thank God," Toby grumbled, already making his way to the highland, where the mansion sat upon. Tim followed close beside him, checking his watch to reveal the time. "Six fifty." Tim read aloud to himself, Toby nodded in acknowledgement.

Tim opened the large wooden door and was greeted with a hysterical Jeff, hands wailing everywhere as he hastily muttered incoherent words. Toby cringed, it was all too much for this time, and way too loud, he was going to wake the residents with his yelling. "Jeff, calm down. We don't understand." Toby spoke, calmly resting an arm on Jeff's shoulder. "What's the matter?" He asked. Jeff's shoulders relaxed, his breathing less erratic. "I just-" he shifted uncomfortably, "I just got scared that you weren't returning." He admitted, painfully, his face burning red. He felt vulnerable. Toby watched, half amused. Raising an eyebrow he stepped closer.

"you missed us?" He smirked, removed his hand and hurled them into his pocket. "Shut up!" He growled hotly, before dashing off, the sounds of heavy footsteps with each step, Tim and Toby were startled, causing them to stiffen their shoulders as the door slammed from upstairs. "He's feisty." Tim chuckled, making his way to the steps. "Cut him some slack, he's just a kid." Toby fretted, he felt bad, he had never seen Jeff like that before.

"Toby." Tim paused, glancing back at him. "I enjoyed hanging out with you last night." He confessed, a blush emerging on his face. A warm feeling crept through Toby, he opened his mouth to respond but couldn't find the words to say. He liked Tim, no wait- he loved Tim. He just wished he knew if Tim felt the same way.

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While your waiting, please check out my other books ticcimask books, or my TicciJack book! ⋆

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