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Tim and Jeff stood in front of a thick wooden door with a golden plate attached to the very top, The words in a fancy font read, 'The operator', with writing below the title, 'Please knock before entering.' It was small yet was written in bold.
They both glanced at each other, Eyes begging for one to know the door, Jeff sighed, "Guess I'll knock."
"Well, you have been here longer." Tim shot back, Glaring at him, A hint of amusement in his voice.
Jeff held his hand on the door before his fist crashed into the door, twice. "Come in, children." A distorted, Static voice called out. They both glanced at each other again before entering the room.
The room was empty, Yet a feeling of being watched crept over them both. "You do not need to see me to know I'm here."
The voice spoke, Half-Amused at the two males turning and twisting their heads to locate the voice. "You thought I'd sit in this empty confined room all day, Let alone fit in it?"
He was right, From what Tim saw of him in his dreams, He reached higher than the tall trees that covered the forest sky; No way for him to fit in here, So where was he?
"Salutations, Masky." He froze, "Hello, Sir." Tim responded, His head trailing down in submission, opposing Jeff, Who was still looking for the faceless man with a curious glint of mischief caught in his eye.
"I see potential in you," The voice paused, Before continuing.
"Though, You will need training, extreme training,"
Tim sighed, clutching his fists,
"When you finish training, I want you to be my right-hand man, with your patience, sharp skills and your smarts." The voice now had a Smug tone to it. "Will you join us? If you don't you will have to be eliminated and It will cause a great threat within the Uplands," Tim thought, And let his hands tighten, "We need you." It was those three words that struck him, 'We need you.'
It made Tim feel wanted, people wanted him. He nodded his head eagerly, "I will." Jeff turned his head to Tim's and smiled a genuine smile. "Great, Please bring Masky to the main hall."
Jeff nodded to No-one, Tim and Jeff went back to their previous actions, Leading and following.
"So, right-hand man," Jeff began, A Smug smile tugged his lips. "Let's introduce you to other people!" He chirped.

Both males stood in from a set of two double doors, A bronze sign hung over their head: 'The main hall'. Tim's head hung high, Reading the sign, His stomach turned and churned with nervousness. He faced Jeff," You sure I have to do this?"
"Positive." Tim nodded at his response, Pushing open a singular door, Jeff opening the one on the left.
All eyes turned on them both, "Done with time out, Masky?" A voice called out, Giving a tease to the name 'Masky'.

"I'm Jane." A young girl spoke, Walking from the row of tables. It seems like in the canteen he had in school, Most people seemed to be chatting in their friend groups and/or eating food, There also seemed to be a line of people ordering food. "Your lucky, lunch just started." Jeff spoke, sporting a soft smile. "Yeah," Jane chimed in, "I'm 14," She wore a white mask but it was turned to the side of her head, It also stood as a reminder that he also wore a mask. "I'm also an Aries!" She giggled, Masky let out a soft chuckle, trying to be as polite as possible.
How could these people be murderers?

"Let me show you to the adults, maybe you will make friends!"
Masky smiled before the younger girl pointed a finger at a row of tables, circular tables and chairs were sitting around them, occupied by people around his age and older.

"I'd recommend trying to talk with both of them, Yknow, To see what friend group you'd suit to, So you don't get caught up in the wrong crowd."She chirped before leaving Jeff and Tim alone, She hurried to a group of girls her age: One wore a pink dress, Blood leaking from her face, Another had black hair, her fringe coloured pink, And lastly, A girl with blonder hair, Face distorted into a bloody mess, Eyes missing. He shivered, She looked a lot like Toby.

"Oh, them?" Jeff mumbled, A blush forming on his face, "The girl with the Teddy, brown hair is Sally, she's only a kid," He whispered sadly, "The one with pink streaks is Nina and lastly the last one is Lyra."

Lyra? Toby had a sister called Lyra, They looked so alike, but she was dead.

"Over there," He pointed to the same people Jane did, 'The adults'. Which he found confusing as he was only 17.
"There's E.J, The one with the blue mask." The pointed to young adults, A blue mask covering his pale grey face, Falling from where he'd assumed were his eyes leaked an ink-like substance, Looking down at his hands, his hands were claw-like, Not human.

"Then there's Dr smiley." He shoved his finger to another male, he wore a yellow mask, covering his nose, It had a cartoon-like smile on it, blown fluffy hair that reached just below his eyebrows and wore a lab jacket.
Jeff pointed at more creepy-like figures all eating and chatting, all of the different body types, some lanky and some had a strong build to them.

"So let's head over, yeah?" Tim's eyes widened, "Oh! Okay, like now?" Jeff rolled his eyes, Grabbing Tim's wrists and Draghi G him towards the tables,

"Hey, Jeff! Who's your friend?" E.J spoke, smiling sweetly at Tim, "This is Masky!" Jeff spoke back, grinning. "I was wondering if he could sit with you since you know-" Jeff paused, "-He's friendless" He continued, Masky instantly turned his head away embarrassed.


"Sure, sit with us, Masky." E.J smirked, Patting the chair next to him, "I'll introduce you-"
"-Already done that" Jeff interrupted, E.J rolled his eyes, letting out a soft chuckle, and Tim sat beside E.J, playing with the hem of his jacket.


"So, what's your job title?"
E.J spoke up, "Uhm, 'the operator' said I was his right-hand man." Now there were even more eyes on him, even from behind. "For real?" Dr Smiley grimaced, "A kid," He paused, "A kid like you?" Tim looked down to his feet and shrugged, "Don't be an ass, he could put up a good fight." E.J retorted, looking back at Tim. "Can you?" Tim's heart was pulsing, Tim just shrugged, Less eyes were on him now, he had disappointed them.

ʚMy Strange Friendɞजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें