Morning shift

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Tripping over a pile of socks, Aurora began to curse herself as she was yet again going to be late for work. It was going to be the third time this week and if she keeps this up, she was sure that she was going to be fired.

If Aunt Jocelyne fires her she would have no more money and no money means she can't afford the rent, and that was what started her morning panicking. She was scared that she would let her boss down and most importantly, let herself down for being irresponsible.

She hasn't even been working at the coffee shop for that long, it has only been less than a year. In that little time of having a job she managed to mess up with her late coming and it saddened her. She felt so useless but was still determined to work hard even though she felt like a disappointment.

She moved here less than a year ago when the doctor confirmed that they were able to monitor and discarding the fact that she didn't have the money to support the change to the new city, she made a way.

She started babbling to herself, her cat watching her every move with tired eyes and unconcerned with her fidgeting. She threw on a fresh set of clothes that she just washed last night, thanking the heavens that she decided to do that which saved her time.

She also showered the night before which gave her the advantage of the time being.

Her outfit was nothing out of the ordinary but it would have to do with the amount of money she does not get. There was no money to spend on clothes, it all went towards rent and the little bits of grocery shopping here and there. Most importantly, it went towards her hospital bills that left her bankrupt with every cent she earned.

Aurora was barely holding on.

Aurora glanced over at the clock and screamed at the top of her lungs once she saw that she had less than twenty minutes to get to work. There was no time to waste on doing hair, so throwing her hair into a ponytail and grabbing all her necessities she said her final goodbyes to her cat.

Rushing out of the building she caught a cab, however the drive to her work was about ten minutes and she prayed that she would make it on time.

"Right on time my dear." Aunt Jocelyne greeted her with a big smile.

Aurora was too caught up in steadying her breathing and just offered her a small smile in return. She was still a mess from rushing this morning that it took a toll on her head, the room spinning a bit as she regained her steady breathing.

Aurora was happy that she was finally on time for work and that she didn't disappoint Aunt Jocelyne.

Lauren, who stood behind the counter, snickered as she took in the appearance of the frail girl. Aurora wasn't ugly in any sense, but she did lack a sense of style which made her seem plain. Compared to other woman like Lauren, Aurora had a very dull appearance by not wearing any sort of makeup, or even letting her hair loose once in a while.

Aurora did not wear pants and sweaters, she wore dresses and skirts. Aurora had a fascination with dressing that way, even when it was chilly outside she would just add stocking and a jacket. Even with an outfit like that, Lauren still thought she it was boring and plain.

Lauren was the daughter of Aunt Jocelyne and she was not at all nice towards Aurora.

It was something that confused Aurora. She did not understand why Lauren was only mean towards her but to the others she was a sweetheart. Being kind towards the other waitresses and workers, but she was really mean when it came to Aurora.

There was nothing she did wrong yet she knew Lauren hated her.

"G-good morning Lauren." she greeted the girl softly, who was too invested in judging Aurora's lack of fashion.

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