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Matteo quickly rushed out of bed, eager to get to the hospital as soon as possible. He started his car and drove at an alarming speed, his mind racing with thoughts of Aurora and her condition.

As he arrived at the hospital, Matteo couldn't help but feel a sudden wave of anxiety wash over him. He parked his car and took a deep breath before stepping out of the vehicle. The atmosphere of the hospital was tense, with doctors and nurses rushing around, tending to patients and conducting tests.

Matteo made his way to the waiting area, where he saw Jamison already sat with Cordelia. She was sitting quietly, her eyes downcast, looking tired and worried. When she saw Matteo, a small smile spread across her lips.

"Matteo, it's so good to see you," Jamison greeted him warmly. "We need to talk, as soon as possible."

Jamison led Matteo and Cordelia into a private room, where he explained the situation in more detail. He told them that he had managed to secure the donor for the bone marrow transplant, and that Aurora was a match.

Matteo couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders, and he felt a newfound hope for Aurora's future. He noticed the look on Cordelia's face as well to know that she was able to help Aurora and it warmed his heart.

"What do we have to do?" Cordelia asked, her voice filled with determination.

Jamison explained that there were several steps they had to take before the transplant could be performed. They would need to run some tests, and prepare the facilities, as the procedure would take a few hours.

Matteo nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He knew that the procedure wasn't without risk, but he was willing to do whatever it took to save Aurora's life.

Matteo paced nervously outside the operating room, his mind filled with a mixture of anxiety and hope. He couldn't help but worry about Cordelia and Aurora, wishing he could do something to help or make them comfortable.

He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves, but it was no use. The weight of the situation was almost too much for him to bear. His heart ached for the two women he cared so deeply for, and he felt helpless in the face of their struggle.

As each minute ticked by, Matteo felt like his patience was thinning. He needed to know how Cordelia was doing, but all he could do was wait. The uncertainty was killing him, and he felt like he was going to burst with anxiety.

All he wanted was just to see her radiant smile. Her voice that held so much care and joy in it and he wanted to listen to her speak. He never felt this restless yet uncertain before in such a case where the surgery could go wrong or both would walk out the door and Aurora cured.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door to the operating room opened, and Jamison stepped outside. Matteo rushed forward, hoping for good news.

"Cordelia is still in surgery, but the procedure is going smoothly," Jamison said, with a relieved smile. "Aurora is stable, and the doctors are doing everything they can."

A wave of relief washed over Matteo, and he let out a sigh of relief. He knew it was early, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful. Although he remained stoic in his expression, Jamison could see that he was tired and drained but Matteo was a stubborn man and he wouldn't close his eyes until Aurora was in front of him with her beautiful smile.

Reggie rushed in with his striped pyjamas that reminded Matteo of the movie where the jewish boy got killed in the German concentration camp. Matteo furrowed his brows as he noticed the stuffed animal in Reggie's hand as he rushed over to his side.

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