Cordelia's visit

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Sorry for keeping you all waiting so long.


"Aurora, stop this nonsense and just come out."

Aurora sniffled. "Will y-you let me go to work?"


"Then I w-won't come out." she cried.

Matteo had always been mean to her. He had even restricted her from leaving the house without his permission but now he was being a bit too strict. She was okay with following his orders, but now he has forbid her from going to work.

He didn't give her an exact reason about why she couldn't go. The only bit of information he gave her was that she didn't need a job, since she now has anything she could ever want. She refused to listen to him and wanted to go to work but that just sparked an intense argument.

Aurora has now been locked inside her room crying while Matteo tried to apologize. She wouldn't come out of the room until he says that she can go back to work. She missed the cafe and wanted to see Aunt Jocelyne since it had been a while.

"I'm sorry."

Aurora felt angry. "I-is that all you're going to say? Tell me w-why I can't work."

Maybe agreeing to live with Matteo was a bad idea on her part. Living with a man who she has known for a short amount of time should have been a red flag. Curse that stupid weird attraction she had for him.

"I'm sorry, agnellino." he said.

"Leave m-me alone. All you've done is be m-mean to me and I don't l-like it. Why let me stay w-with you if I am just going to be locked up here?" her voice raised a bit at the last part.

There was silence on the other side of the door. All that could be heard were her soft cries.

"You don't e-even have time for me and it m-makes me sad. I h-have been staying here for over a week and you're a-always giving me the cold shoulder." she continued to cry.

Matteo was always working and never telling her what he was doing. He would leave early in the morning and return home late at night. She would stay up to try and catch him to see him, but would always end up asleep. She made him dinner and hoped that he would be home early to eat it, but that moment never arrived.

The only company she had was Malinda and even though the last was sweet to her, she yearned for attention from Matteo. It was him who offered her a place to stay yet he hadn't made her felt welcome in the slightest. If it continues like this, she might as well move back to her old apartment.

"Can you trust me?" he asked.

Trust? She didn't understand what that had to do with anything. He isn't allowing her to work anymore and now she was left alone to do nothing at home.


"Can you just trust me? Please."

Aurora felt her breath hitch when she heard him say please. He could detect a hint of pleading in his voice and never had she expected to hear something like that coming from him.

She sniffed. "Of course." she said truthfully.

Matteo sighed. "I'll have Cordelia keep you company for the rest of the day. Would that make you feel better?"

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