The bad news

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Aurora bit the skin of her finger as she processed the information she had gotten from Matteo. She was still seated on the same spot, lost in her own thoughts concerning what she had just heard.

She knew there was something dark and sketchy about these men, especially Matteo, but she didn't know he was involved in something this dangerous.

Whatever the mafia was that he had described, it sounded like it was something worse than what a criminal could do. It was not your average gangster robbing people and opening fire on civilians.

She felt even more scared to live her. There was even a tiny whisper in the back of her head to run away. She wanted to sneak out and run away, but where would she go? If she asked for help from the police, she was sure that Matteo would do something to make the police never cross him again.

Besides, she did not want to leave in the first place. Even though he revealed to her that he was someone very dangerous, she still wanted to stay with him. They have spoken a lot more to each other tonight than they have ever done. He had said more words to her tonight, even if it was to explain himself, but she liked it.

She liked living here, with him. If she would run away, she would just be homeless which was even worse than owning a crappy apartment. To leave this place could never be considered an option.

She was going to come to terms with his occupation and what he does for a living. Matteo hadn't done anything that harmed her, yet. She trusted him to never cause her any harm.

Aurora groaned as she felt her head begin to throb. There were countless times where she had to just endure the pain that came along with the annoying headaches, involving her sickness. She forgot to take her medication today because of what had happened. A silly mistake on her part that caused this headache to appear.

She rubbed her eyes, and began to massage her temple. Looking down at the white counter, her movements seized as she took in the droplets of scarlet that created a contrast against the milky counter. Her hand slapped against the base of her nose immediately, and when she looked at the tips of her fingers, blood was smeared on them.

She hated that she had just stained Matteo's countertop. She pinched her nose, tipping her head a bit forward like she had done whenever she had a nosebleed.

Her vision began to become a bit more clouded by blur. A sharp pain struck through her head, and she gasped in pain.

"Matteo." she murmured.

Her body felt as if it was being drained from it's energy. Her body toppled off the stool, but she caught herself before she could hit the ground. Blood dripped from her nose and fell onto the floor, some even dripping onto her sweater.

"Matteo." she said even louder, before she lost consciousness and her body gave in, not before calling his name a third time.


Aurora struggled to open her eyes as the bright light hurt her sensitive eyes. She took a moment to clearly see what was going on and all she saw was the white ceiling before her. Confused she turned to the side, where a familiar figure stood writing something on his clipboard.

She opened her mouth to say something to him but her throat felt dry and itchy. No sound escaped her lips but a broken cough.

The man heard it and peered up at her, his mouth forming into a small smile as he grabbed her a water from the table.

"Aurora, you're awake." Doctor Jamison said with a soft smile.

He handed the water over to her and she took it, gulping it down and feeling the cool liquid ease away the dryness. She sighed with content and wiped the excess water off of her face.

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