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The next morning, Aurora stood outside his room as she bit her lip. Her hand was raised in the air to knock but she feared that she might wake him, despite that it's a bit late in the morning.

She was hesitant to do so but gaining the courage after a few minutes, she finally knocked on his door. She was met with silence and wondered that he was still sleeping but that couldn't be possible since she noticed that he wakes up pretty early.

She knocked again. Then knocked again this time calling out his name softly.

She frowned at the door that didn't open with Matteo appearing behind it. She blew out a breath through her nose as she touched the doorknob, not believing that she even mustered the courage to do this.

Opening the door, she peeked her head inside and scanned the area, detecting no signs of Matteo in the room. She called out his name as she entered the room, closing the door behind her and the the sound of the "click" was softly heard. She was always taken aback by the dark aura that was present from his room, from how aesthetically pleasing it appeared.

She looked at every corner of the room, observing the dark colors and furniture he had. Her eyes found the french doors that led to the balcony and thought that he must be standing on the balcony. She made her way over and when she got into the balcony, there was still no sign of Matteo there.

Closing the doors, she thought that he must be somewhere downstairs or she probably missed him. He must have left the house since she had someone to watch her now, which was Malinda.

"Good morning."

She jumped as she heard his voice behind her. She turned around to apologize for intruding and wanted to explain herself but the moment her eyes captured him, she was awestruck with her words caught in her throat.

The rose color tainted her cheeks as she felt them warming up from the glorious sight her eyes were blessed to see. Her eyes drank in the sight of Matteo's body glistening in droplets of water dripping down his toned stomach. The dips of his deep tanned abs were close to a deep V-line that was almost entirely hidden by a white towel.

She realized that he was naked and barely covered by a towel, but it was hard for her to look away. She tried tearing her gaze away from his beautiful physique plastered with dark drawings scattered across the top half of his body.

Shamefully, her green orbs lifted up to catch his dark eyes staring right back at her. They were almost hidden behind a curtain of dark hair that stuck to his forehead, and she noticed she he only focused on cutting the sides of his head, in a undercut hairstyle.

But she liked it.

"G-good morning." she managed to choke out.

Matteo was the most beautiful man she had ever seen in her entire life. How she had ever managed to find herself living with him, will forever be a mystery to her.

"You were looking for me?" he asked her.

She nodded. "I wanted to ask-"

She was cut off when her eyes snapped a bit further down to his arms that he brought over his chest. His muscles bulged out as he crossed them over his chest, and more markings could be seen from the side of his arms.

It felt as if all the air had been ripped out of her body. Heat coursed through her blood and spread across her cheeks as she watched him.

"Aurora?" he called out.

She quickly looked back up at him, forgetting that she was saying something to him before she was distracted. She was behaving quite foolishly but she couldn't help it since he was literally dressed in nothing but a towel.

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