Appointments and scary feelings

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Bouncing her leg up and down at a rapid pace, Aurora began to feel nervous which was a usual feeling. She always felt nervous when she visited the doctor, and it wasn't because the doctor was mean or anything. Aurora was afraid for hearing some bad news that could affect her health even worse than it already is.

She was convinced that she would hear bad news, if it is not today it could be some day soon. Aurora knew that her condition was getting worse by the second, but they assured her that they are trying their best to help her out and soon bring her to the brink of recovery.

She bit her lip as she suddenly got a thought about the man she spilled everything to that one night. She hadn't thought it through that she could run into him again one day and she felt stupid for confiding in a random stranger.

A stranger who almost killed her friend.

She had never felt hatred to another person before, besides Lauren who she disliked but could not hate. She couldn't bring herself to hate anyone even if they had done her wrong, she just thought that people could change. Maybe Lauren is being mean to her because she doesn't know how to make friends but that is impossible.

Lauren has many friends. She just disliked Aurora.

Aurora was afraid of that man. Yes there was fear, but deep down there was also a strong dislike buried deep within in her. She knew that he was a bad man ever since she saw him nearly kill Chandler for who knows what. It was obvious that he could be a gangster and that he was a dangerous person but there was something else about him.

She couldn't quite come to terms why,shyly to say, why she felt the need to get to know him more. He was a very closed off man and she was surprised when he spoke to her in full sentences back at the cafe. He didn't seem like the type to converse with people, even though he was extremely rude to her, he did speak to her unlike that night.

What made him so rude?

There was surely something that happened to him. Aurora thought behind every person was a story, a story that led to their current state and that is why she believed to always be patient with people. People like Lauren too even if she hasn't shown any sign on improving her behavior.

There was one thing that truly bothered Aurora ever since that incident in the cafe. She did not understand how Chandler knew that man and why Chandler was with him. She remembered that he specifically told her that he would be going to the bathroom but he lied to her.

He lied and instead of going to the bathroom, he went to visit that man and was almost killed by him. Why had he lied to her and why was he about to be killed?

Chandler must have thought that was the bathroom!

Aurora's eyes widened as she thought that Chandler might have almost died because he entered the wrong room, just like her. He must have stepped into the room thinking that it was the bathroom but instead it was the bad man's area.

How did that bad man even get hold of that area?

Aurora sighed as her mind was consumed by thoughts of that unfairly pretty man.

"Aurora Jones?" she looked up to the doctor who smiled at her. "We are ready for you."

Following the doctor into the room, the nervous feeling inside of her began to become a bit more intense. It had her hesitantly step inside and have a seat on the bed where they will do their usual examination on her.

She hated these check ups but it was mandatory to do this.

"It's good to see you again Aurora. How are you feeling?" Doctor Jamison asked her, setting down some supplies on the table.

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