Chapter 13: The Mother

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Adani's POV

By evening, my documents had already arrived and delivered to me personally. I went through the envelope and secured my identifications into my purse.

"Adani," Mavielle called as I walked out of my bedroom on my lunch break.


"How's everything going?" she asked.

"It's all good," I answered.

"Have you eaten?"

"I'm on the way to the kitchen right now."

We walked to the kitchen. Flamboyant was already there, assisting Beth with the plates.

"We'll have lunch on the grounds," Mavielle spoke. She handed me a plate and I followed her outside.

We walked across the lawn to a peaceful glass greenhouse. Roses and lillies, ferns and petunias of a wide range of colors greeted my eyes and I immediately fell in love with the sight.

A table and chairs were placed in the middle of the room. We sat down.

"So, Flamboyant isn't so fond about me. And what was the dispute between the two of you about the rooms I'm cleaning?" I questioned.

Mavielle sighed softly and rubbed the bridge of her nose before taking a bite of her meat.

"Flamboyant has always and I believe she'll always be rough at making first impressions. I've been working here since after college, same as her but I was employed for a year before she came. Mr. Parriston made me the head-housekeeper. Just one month ago, the maid on the top floor lost her job, so automatically, Flamboyant thought she would be placed at the top, but Mr. Parriston informed me that he was looking for a replacement and they would be placed on the top floor."

"What is special about the top floor, I mean, it would still require cleaning."

"Oh, you weren't aware?"

"Aware of what?"

"The top floor maid gets more payment than the second floor maid."

That explains it, and right on cue, Flamboyant entered the greenhouse and pulled out a chair closer to Mavielle for her to sit in.

"I just got word from Josh," she started.

"What about?" Mavielle asked her. I looked between them as they spoke.

"You're not going to like this," Flamboyant dragged.

"Tell me already."

"Corinne is coming to visit."

Mavielle's expression became like stone. Her mouth hanged open and piece of her food dropped out.

"Shit!" she cussed when she gathered herself and her composure.

"What's going on, who's Corinne?" I asked, feeling left in the dark about the situation.

Flamboyant laughed and they both turned to me. Mavielle with a sad look and Flamboyant with a smirk.

"Corrine is the devil's favorite wife," Mavielle said.

"That's no way to talk about Mr. Parriston's mother," Flamboyant snapped at her, "I happen to like Mrs. Parriston."

"Of course you do. She didn't insult your existence," Mavielle said. She stood up and I followed suit. Together we walked back towards the mansion.


Beth was already busy in the kitchen. Her movements were swifter and focused on the meals she was preparing.

Mavielle and I cleaned and cleared our plates before she accompanied me to the top floor. Her cellphone vibrated and she answered.

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