Chapter 66: Son-Shine

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Ricardo's POV

"My what?" I questioned in confusion looking at the small boy.

"Your son," my mother repeated.

"It can't be." It felt like an echo of a gunshot had went off in my ears. Stunned, baffled and caught completely by surprise, I continued looking at the little boy. Penelope took his right hand and approached me.

"It's true. His name is Ricci and he's your son," she stated.

"His son, Penelope, are you serious right now! Are you serious?! And why is my brother now being introduced?" Rockett asked with a raised tone of voice.

"We can discuss in private," I responded being mindful that we still in the company's lobby.

"We wouldn't invade your privacy," Miss. Prime said. She and Adonna remained behind and they appeared to be mending a new bond.

We filed back into my office.


"With all due respect, Penelope, I'm going to have to issue a DNA test for myself and little Ricci," I informed.

"We're related. Ninety-nine percent. I'm his grandmother. I had my own DNA testing done," Mother inputted.

"You knew about this?" I questioned her.

"I did."

"How long have you known?"

"I don't see how that's.."

"How long have you known about him!?" I repeated.

"Since the day he was born," Mother answered.

"How old is he?" I asked to Penelope.

"Go ahead and tell your dad your age, sweetie," Penelope directed to little Ricci.

"I'm seven," he answered.

"Seven years old," I digested as I mentally calculated. "You got pregnant right after college?"

"It was during but I didn't find out until we graduated and then parted our ways," Penelope answered.

"Wow. Unbelievable," Rockett chimed in. She shook her head at Penelope then at Mother, "Ricardo, I'll take my leave now. I have another meeting to attend. Get that test because I wouldn't take Mother's words for it and I hope you don't too," she finished. We hugged briefly before she walked out the office door.

I turned to Adani who had been  observing and listening but silent this whole time.

"Hey.. I.. I don't even know what to say to you right now," I spoke to her. She looked at me then at my potential son.

"He looks just like you," she voiced.

"He does, doesn't he? How does it feel to know that you're not going to be the first woman to give him a child?" Mom spat at her.

"THAT'S ENOUGH OUT OF YOU!" I yelled at my mother.

"Ricardo, I.."

"Get. Out!" I commanded and pointed to the door.

"Fine!" She snatched her belongings and stormed out of the office in a huff.

"Penelope, I'll need to know if he's my son or not as soon as possible," I said and turned to her.

"Ricardo, he's your son."

"I'm supposed to just take your words for it?"

"Look at him, Ricardo. Even Adani sees it. How can you deny he's not yours?"

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