Chapter 14: For Your Information

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Ricardo's POV

My sleep was perturbed by her image. As I lay underneath my silk sheet, the pictures stained my mind. Those bruises were healing, but her face didn't deserve such a horrific act in the first place.

"Why are you even thinking about your maid, Ricardo?" I questioned myself. Sighing deeply, I picked myself off the bed and walked to the bathroom sink where I splashed my face with water to feel refresh and to clear my mind.

I returned to my bed and fell asleep.


"Damn the dream!" I cussed as I looked at my extra hardness the very next morning. I climbed out of bed, completed my morning workouts and hygiene, then went downstairs to my private room where I'd rather eat my breakfast after I was dressed for work.

After settling in the chair behind the desk, a soft knock came to the door before it was pushed it.

"Good morning, Sir," she greeted me with a smile and set the cup and plate down.

"Good morning, Miss Prime. How are you this morning?" I found myself asking. Usually, I wasn't the one to make small talk especially on mornings but Adani drew something warm out of me. Her presence was comfortable and different.

"I'm fine. Thanks for asking," she answered. I watched as her timorous hands tried to cover the front portion of her body with the tray as she looked at me. Then very quickly, she turned on her heels and walked out the door before I could utter another word.

I laughed to myself. It was cute.

"Care to share what is causing you to laugh by yourself like a madman?"

I looked up from my meal and saw my mother has entered the room.

"Good morning, Mother," I responded.

"Good morning, my son. I see you still prefer to eat breakfast in here by yourself."

"I do. It's a habit."

"An awful one that you should stop. Especially now that your mother is visiting and you have  perfectly large tables available for eating. Why do you like this small room is beyond my understanding."


"No excuses. Come have breakfast with me."

"Fine, mother," I obeyed. I took up my cup and plate.

"Leave it. Have one of the maids come to get it for you."

"I'm sure they have already started their chores and I am capable of picking up a plate and a teacup," I told her. She smiled her usual coy one and together we went to the breakfast table.

Miss Prime served my mother her breakfast. As she was retreating from the table, my mother stopped her.

"Excuse me, I need a glass of water as well," my mother told her

"Yes, ma'am," Miss Prime answered respectfully. She left and came back with a glass of water.

"I meant bottled water," my mother said.


"Hurry up and get it right."

Again she left and returned with a bottle of water. My mother looked at it, shook it and sighed with a frown.

"Not still. I want sparkling," she said. Again, Miss. Prime left and returned with a bottle of sparkling water this time.

"I can't drink Sanpellegrino, Adani, get me a bottle of Perrier instead."

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