Chapter 65: Let's Share

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Adani's POV

We were heading towards Parriston's Industries and Technology in Ricardo's car.

Upon arrival, we were immediately swarmed with the company's employees and news reporters.

"Mr. Parriston, may I have a word?" several reporters asked as we exited the vehicle. Smoke cleared a path for us to follow until we reached the entrance and entered the building.

Ricardo led me towards the elevator. Getting to the top floor, we exited and walked in the direction of his office where Mrs. Parriston was sorted yelling into her phone.

"I'll call you right back and you better be on that flight!" she finished as we walked into the room.

"You've really done it," Ricardo started. He pulled a chair out for me to sit in but I wanted to remain standing.

"Why are you two here?" Mrs. Parriston asked.

"You know why. I want the company back," he answered.

"You cannot have it back after you quit, Ricardo. This isn't a playground where you can stop playing a game then rejoin when you're bored from the sandbox!"

"Then I'm just going to have to take it from you."

"You and what army?"

"I'm glad that you asked," Ricardo said. Within a few more seconds, a gentleman walked through the doors holding an expensive looking briefcase and a folder in the other hand.

"Mother, let me introduce you to Max
Mc.Kenzie. My bull-shark lawyer."

Mrs. Parriston looked cornered and threatened by the lawyer's introduction. She extended her hand for a shake but was ignored.

"Let's skip the pleasantries and get right into business," Max spoke with authority. He handed a document to Mrs. Parriston, her eyes going wide as she read on.

"This is absurd!" she snapped. She tore into the paper before throwing it at her son, "Am I supposed to believe this?"

"You were too busy with another man to realize dad planned ahead.. and it's a good thing that he did because look at what you did to your own son."


"You don't have a fifty percent say when it comes to this company. Whatever you thought was rolled over to you, it wasn't. Rockett's testimony to Max was heard and her vote would be recasted. Dad's twenty-five percent would be rolled over to Adani."

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND, Ricardo?!" Mrs. Parriston screamed from across the room. She approached him with lightning speed, "She isn't your wife! She cannot get any shares in this company!"

"Yes. She can," Max corrected, "All we need is her signature. The paperwork is right here."

"You stay out of this!" she barked at him. Max eyed her then handed me a document and a pen.

Mrs. Parriston attempted to snatch it but Ricardo held her at bay. I took that time to glance over the contract and read the highlighted information before signing.

"She knows nothing about this company and you just gave a quarter of it away to her!" she shouted again.

"Mind your throat, Mrs. Parriston," I advised with a smirk.

"You were to leave and get the hell away from my son after I shared The Parristons history with you, you stupid girl!" she yelled again.

"You thought wrong."

"Oh have I, because I'm well aware you're no longer residing at the mansion and your wedding is cancelled."

"Are you also aware that your son loves me and I marry him right here, right now," I responded.

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