Chapter 42: Don't Throw It All Away

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Adani's POV

I couldn't stand being in such an atmosphere anymore and jetted for the entrance which was the worst decision I could have made.

The flash of cameras blinded my vision and the paparazzi swarmed me like a bee attack. I somehow managed to maneuver and pushed my way through until someone got extremely close to me and prevented me from taking another step.

"Richie Colt. Los Angeles Angles Magazine. Is it true you're the maid having an affair with Ricardo Parriston that led to the breakup between him and Penelope Vant?" he questioned.

"No comment," I answered and tried to move to the left but he only stepped to the left as well, still blocking me.

"Have you and Penelope had any heated exchange since the breakup?" he questioned.

I remained quiet and turned on my heel to try another direction to escape but all around me were mics, cameras and eager people bombarding me with questions. I was boxed in.

Suddenly, a path cleared and Ricardo's bodyguard, the one I've nickname 'Smoke', appeared by my side. He shielded me and escorted me to the awaiting limousine.

Once inside, I breathe a sigh of relief and settled into a seat. Ricardo entered shortly after.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

I nodded, yes.

"Adani, we need to talk about this. I'm not going to leave the issue unsettled," he spoke.

I remained silent.

"At least talk to me, Adani. Yell at me if you have to but please let's fix this."

"What is 'this'?" I asked him with some sass, "There's nothing going on between you and I therefore there's nothing to fix."

My words must have been penetrating because his eyes welled up with tears. His cleared his throat and looked at his rolex before he spoke again, "Are you sure on that?"

I remained silent.

"Okay then. Have a goodnight. I'll have the driver take you home," he said and exited the limousine.

"Shit!" I cussed myself as the driver pulled into the street and drove onwards.

"I reacted like a damn child. I ran out on him," I spoke to Adonna on the phone call. I explained what happened at the Gala.

"Perhaps that setting was too much too quickly," she said back.

"But I'm an adult. I should have reacted more maturely. He came into the limousine to ensure I was alright and I brushed him off and said some rash things."

"Adani, are you ready to date?"

"I.. I don't even know, to be honest. And I don't know if I can handle dating someone as popular as Ricardo Parriston. He's out of my league. People are already looking at me like if I'm just a leech, wondering what he was seeing in me. The media and magazines are blaming me and trying to pin his breakup with Penelope Vant on me."

"Adani, listen, in order to be happy, you can't give a shit what the outside world thinks. If you try to please people who doesn't even care if you are up or down, you'll never be happy. There're going to be gossips, backlash, rumors, the list goes on. It happens to the average couple so just imagine someone as popular as Ricardo Parriston. You have to block out everything and everyone else."

"You know what's funny, he didn't even ask me to be his girlfriend but here we are talking like if I am."

"He obviously likes you. He just hasn't ask you yet because there are huddles to get over. Don't throw it all away, Adani. Talk to the man. If you need time to process everything, tell him that so he would know to give you your space and the time you need. I'm rooting for you."

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