Chapter 15: Commands

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This Chapter Is Dedicated To halileadsentltd

Adani's POV

"Here's the cellphone, new SIM and some clothes you desperately needed. Everything is functioning," Mavielle said she handed me a box in the foyer the following morning.

"Thanks. I really needed this. My mom and Adonna are probably most eager to hear my voice," I answered and gave her a quick side hug before disappearing into my bedroom.

In there, I quickly removed the phone from the box along with its contents before inserting the SIM card and powering it on. It booted alive and I started setting it up until I got to the home screen.

Taking a deep breath, I called my mom.


"Hi, mom. It's me. How are you?"

"Oh, Adani, sweetheart. It's so good to hear your voice. I'm doing well, how are you?" she asked.

"I'm great."

"How's the job going?"

"It's really good." We spoke for a few more minutes before we said our byes and I called Adonna next, hoping she would answer.

I heard when she picked up but she didn't speak first.


"Who's this?" she almost snapped.

"Adani," I answered.

"Oh my. Adani! Hey, how are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm good too."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I had a gut feeling after you left though that I should relocate to a new apartment so I did. Destiny doesn't even know and I intend for it to stay that way."

"I agree. You just never know, you know?"

"I know right. But that's mainly all that's new with me right now. How's the job... and your handsome boss?"

"Must add him in there?"

"Hey. I looked him up and his company. He's quite the successful guy. And rumors have it that he is single."

"I'm here as a maid. Not a girlfriend, Adonna."

"Hey, you never know..."

"Ha! Let's catch up soon. I have to get to breakfast and then to work. This is my new number, you can reach me on this."

"Okay. Talk soon. Bye."



I was heading towards the kitchen for breakfast when Mrs. Parriston stepped into my path.

"What was your name again?"

"Adani, ma'am."

"Yes, that. I want the other guest bedrooms clean and dust immediately. I'm having company."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Off you may go," she finished and shooed me off with the wave of her hand. I took the elevator upstairs and started on my first room which was really cleaned but I was much more thorough than before.

As I finished and I stepped into the hallway, I noticed Mr. Parriston was just now getting out of his room.

His black suit was perfection on him. His hair was neatly styled on his head and his fragrance captured my attention longer than it should have so he caught me on the verge of drooling.

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