Shanks: Please Stay

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This is set in the past when the Red Hair Pirates are in Luffy's village. Enjoy!
"(Y/N)!" Luffy shouts at me. I take a sip of my sake and instantly smile when I see Luffy, whose standing on a stool next to Shanks, whose laughing like crazy.
" Yes Luffy?"
I look over at shanks who shrugs trying to hold his laughter in. I get up and walk over to Luffy and pat him on his head.
"Oh come on Luffy, he can't be that bad," I say and smile at my captain.
"Yeah, come on Luffy calm down. Here have some juice," Shanks says as he slides a glass of juice over to Luffy. Luffy just smiles and drinks the whole glass. Then Shanks bursts out laughing.
"A real man would never drink juice!"
Luffy spits out some of the juice and starts yelling at Shanks. I laugh at how crazy the two act.
" Maybe you're right Luffy," I say and smile at him. Luffy mashed his lips together and nodded his head, I laugh at this. Then I pick Luffy up and toss him in the air a couple times. And each time he lands back in my arms I'll give a few kisses across his face, I do this until he stops complaining and starts laughing.
"Oi! Oi! (Y/n)! Stop! It tickles!" Luffy yells through his laughter. When he lands back down in my arms I just hold him there as he wiggles around in my arms trying to escape. He climbs up onto my shoulders and just rests there.
" (Y/n) can I ask you something?"
" You just did Luffy," I laugh," But sure what's the question?"
Luffy leans over my head with his tiny body and looks me in the eyes, upside down.
" When are you and Shanks going to get married?"
And seconds after he asked this the entire crew bursts out laughing, shanks spits out his booze, and I promptly flip the child off me and drop him on his head.
" Luffy why would you ask that?" I ask him blushing a little bit.
" Because you al-" And suddenly one of the tavern doors was kicked inside. I instantly look up and grab Luffy and sit down on one of the stools near shanks, when I see some bandits.
"Excuse us, so these are pirates, looks like a sad bunch to me."
A big guy walks slowly towards the bar.
"We're Mountain Bandits, but don't worry we didn't come here to tear the place apart, we'd just like some booze about 10 barrels."
"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid we just ran out," makino said, I look over at her and see that her hands were shaking, she was scared.
" Then what are these pirates drinking? Water?" He asks as he looks around the tavern.
" Well-"
"Oh I'm sorry me and my men must've drank it all," Shanks says interrupting makino then holds up a bottle of unopened booze," Here you can have this bottle, I haven't opened it yet."
The bandit reaches for the bottle but before he grabs he swings his fist back and broke the bottle over Shanks. My grip tightened on Luffy when I felt him wriggle a bit. Shanks kneels down and starts picking up the shattered glass.
"Oh I'm sorry Makino now the floor is wet."
"Oh no Shanks don't wo-"
Then suddenly the bandit swung his sword across the bar swiping more trash and glass onto the ground and my captain. I grit my teeth together, but I hold back knowing that shanks would disapprove of me kicking this losers ass even if he deserves it.
" I'm a wanted man with a 9 million belli bounty, one bottle isn't even enough to satisfy a bedtime snack for me," The bandit yells, " Come on boys lets go see a different village this place reeks of spineless cowards." The bandits all leave and after their gone everyone bursts out laughing and I just roll my eyes.
"Men," I say as I let go of Luffy.
Shanks laughs too then puts his arm around my shoulders and leans into me.
"It's a good thing you didn't react (y/n), then we would've had an even bigger mess to clean up," he says laughing.
I just blush and try my best to shrug him off of me, but it wasn't really working.
" WHATS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS?!?" Luffy yells at us and we all look over at him. "YOU GUYS ARE SUPPOSED TO BE PIRATES!" Then Luffy jumps off his stool and starts to walk away.
"Luffy where are you going?" Shanks asks him.
"To find a better mentor!" Luffy yells then shanks grabs his arm. And then his arm stretches, wait then his arm stretches? My eyes widen, Luffy and shanks scream. I look over at the box and find it empty, I grab the box and turn it upside down.
"Shanks! He ate the fruit!"
"Huh? What fruit? Why is my arm stretching," Luffy starts yelling and running around confused.
" You ate the gum gum fruit Luffy! Now you can't swim! And you'll never be able to become a Pirate!"
Luffy screams causing Shanks to scream as well, while everyone else laughs and I just roll my eyes.
"(Y/n)....I want you to stay with Luffy for a while," I look over at shanks quickly and start to protest.
"No Captain! I'm going with-"
Shanks looks over at me and gives me his puppy dog face, the one that I can never resist.
"Please (y/n), it's going to get even more dangerous to be a pirate soon and I don't want anything to happen to you. You may be strong but your not strong enough yet."
"Shanks please-" Tears start falling down my face. He walks over to me and wipes them away, then cups my cheek.
"(Y/n), I love you and I don't want you to get hurt and since I'm not as strong now I need to get stronger so that I can protect you," He leans his forehead against mine and looks me in the eyes.
A tear slips down my face as I remember what happened just a few days ago, when Shanks lost his arm protecting Luffy.
"Stay with Luffy, help him get stronger, but don't intervene to much or he won't become stronger on his own. And you get stronger to, ok?" He has a sad look in his eyes, it makes me want to cry even more but I keep the tears back for him. I slowly nod my head. He lets go of me and starts walking away towards the ship.
" Wait! Shanks," He turns back around and sees me running towards him and leap onto him in a last hug. I look up at him and smile even though I'm crying a little.
" I love you too shanks. I'm going to miss you and everyone else a lot." He smiles, then leans down and kisses me gently on the lips and pulls away.
I walk back to where Luffy is standing. I'm still crying, I cover my mouth so my loud sobs aren't heard. I look down at Luffy and he starts waving at the ship, so I know that it's departed now.
I turn around and start waving too. We both wave until they're gone. Then I sit down next to the kid and burst into hysterical sobs.
" Don't worry (y/n), we'll see them again! I promise!" Luffy tells me as he just stands there and looks at the sea.
I nod my head, I hope so.
Yay! I finished it! I hope you enjoyed it! Cause I certainly did! Yay! I'm so happy! Well....maybe start requesting if you want to maybe cause I'm starting to run out of people that I wanna do/like. Please 😀 😜✌

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