Eustass Kid : Dolls and Goggles

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This is set when Kid well was a kid. Lol thats kinda funny. But yeah it's set during his childhood and your a child too, Enjoy!
"Get off!"
"Get off! (Y/n)! Get off!"
"No! Not until you give me back my Doll!"
I pout, still sitting on Kid, I punch him on his back. He growls and tries to sit up but I wiggle around a bit to give him a hard time.
"Get off! Now!"
"I want my Doll back!"
He stops moving and just lies there, lying very still. I look towards his fiery red hair all propped up and get a very good idea. I reach over and grab his goggles with my little fingers and run off into the nearby woods.
I hear little feet following me, I look behind me and see Kid trying to hold up his hair out of the way so that he could see to run. I squeal and run faster, lifting up my dress a bit so I could run faster.
Pretty soon I lose him and sit down under a big tree and to breath a bit. I look up at the sky to see that it's stained a pinkish red. It's getting darker maybe I should get home soon. Then I hear some twigs snap near me, and I sigh.
"No! Kid I'm not giving them back until you give me back my Doll!"
There's no answer just silence and more twigs breaking. I start getting nervous and scared, these woods aren't supposed to be dangerous, I play in here all the time.
I hear a growl behind me, I turn around and scream. Standing before me is a huge gray wolf, with gleaming white teeth. Its thin it's probably hungry, and I'm about to be its dinner.
I look behind me at the tree then back at the wolf, whose getting closer, then back at the big tree. I start climbing the tree, I feel a strong gust of air near my foot and look down to see the wolf snapped at near where my foot was. I scream some more and climb higher. once I get high enough I look down and see the wolf circling the tree.
" KID! HELP! KID! PLEASE!" I scream and yell after I put his goggles on my head so I could grip the tree better. The wolf howls and growls underneath me, And I scream some more. I start crying, tears streaming down my face. I don't want to die! Not like this!
I grip the tree tighter until my hands start to feel wet and sticky. I unhook one hand from the tree and look at it, I start crying even more when I see the cuts all over my hands and blood pouring out of them.
I hear growling and barking from the bottom of the tree. The tree shook a little and I grip the tree again. Then I hear whimpers and howling getting farther and farther. I look down but can't see very good, what if it's another dangerous beast?
"(Y/N)! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Get out of the tree! It's me, Kid!"
Oh god it is another dangerous beast, I giggle at my thoughts. I hear a sigh from the base of the tree and start climbing down. When I reach the bottom I feel arms wrap around me and we both fall to the ground.
"Kid! Ew! You're giving me cooties! Let go!"
He snuggles into my neck and whispers to me making me blush and stop struggling.
"Don't you ever leave my sight again, I was so worried."
He pulls away and look at my hands seeing the blood his eyes widen. He turns around pulls me into his back. I snuggle closer and slowly fall asleep.
"(Y/n)? (Y/n), wake up," I hear kids voice. I slowly open my eyes and see tiny Red eyes staring into mine.
"Kid!" I sit up and bonks heads with him. A burst of pain quickly went through my forehead and Kid definitely was in the same position.
I look around and notice that I'm in his room, then give him a weird look. He's still holding his head in pain then looks over at me.
"Why aren't I in my room?"
" Cause I told your parents that we were going to have a sleepover at my house."
I nod my head and look at my hands, which are all bandaged up. I look up at him, then back to my hands then back at kid and smile. His eyes widen then looks away, a light pink dusting his cheeks.
"Don't say anything about it," He whispered. I smile even wider and nod my head. Then he gets up and walks over to his desk and picks something up and walks back to me putting it in my hands, I gasp.
"My doll! Señor Teddy! You fixed him Kid! Thank you!" I yell as I jump on him knocking us both for the ground.
"(Y/n)," He yells all flustered.
I kiss his nose and then run out of his room giggling. Kid blushes then starts to wonder why (y/n) ran out of the room. Then his hair fell into his face, he jumps up and runs out of the room screaming.

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