Chapter 4

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"Recap" Jacob then reached out to renasmee and said...."end of recap"
Jacob's pov
Sis he said with worry all over his face. Bubba she said cheerfully . Thanks for taking care of my little sister I said to the young girl that looked almost 17 .
Bella's pov
As Nessie go's to her big brother I start to pack up then the man in the back asked me how I knew Nessie and why she was with me so I had no choice to tell him why I was in the woods to begin with. After my story was done they invited me to come with them I knew the safety in numbers and that its a a good thing but I also knew some was after me and I didn't him or who he's with to come after Nessie's family either I know there ware wolfs so Nessie is well protected but I knew that if I went with them then I knew that they would get themselves killed so I told them that I appreciated the offer but that would rather stay in the woods and they all understood my story and why all understood except for Nessie she quickly ran to me I picked her up and slowly walked over to Jacob and handed her to him it was then that we took off on are separate ways later that night I realized that Nessie forgot her dog chain and bracelet so I packed everything up waited until the fire ran out which took forever. I am a pretty good tracker so I just fallowed the bottom of there shoes tracks " time skip"
Jacobs pov
As me and my little sis were playing monopoly as I was about to win the door bell rang and she quickly said yes saved by the bell I started laughing like crazy but I still had to answer the door when I open the door I see a small backpack that had Nessie's things in it . There's a note Nessie said I took it , it said hey my name is Bella hope that Nessie is doing well I will be down by the river tomorrow when the sun is at its highest on the east
Side I need to talk . It was then we all agreed that we will be there early to avoid any trouble .

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