Chapter 6

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Bella's pov
As I look over to see the big bright beautiful full moon as I try to get out of the hospital bed to get to the window to free myself once again, I was about half way out the window when I hear the door open and I quickly jumped into a fountain ( everyone in town was asleep thank God ) the water broke my fall I got out and ran as fast as I can to the nearest beach I knew that the high tide would help with my escape as I hit the water still on shore I feel someone's presence but I kept running out to the water it was then that I was in the water with the dolphins as they helped me swim as I look back I see the tall man that was doing a report on me with his wife beside him shocked I quickly held onto a dolphin as we started to play in the water underneath the beautiful moon light as I look back every one was watching with vary few golden eyes and a lot red ones . I then go under the surface of the water to escape from everyone's eyes on me.
Charsile's pov
As I go to the west wing of the castle only to see Bella jumping out the window I quickly jump out the window after her as I realize that she is running towards the beach I run human speed so it won't scare her as much as she is at the moment everyone knew my plan we need her to be at the voltorra to be turned its the only way she'll survive because she is part human and 75 percent vampire this explains why she gets sick easier because her immune system is trying to turn her human and it will eventually kill her it's vary vary rare but for her kind sometimes the venom don't work because she is so used to fighting it, as I get to the beach she is already in the water I am shocked how well she is taking the pain vary well a young girl only the age of sixteen that never went hunting to drink the blood of a creature , can go out and play in the water and play with the dolphins and not spend a life in the hospital.
Bella's pov
As I was under the waters looking up at the moon light when I went up for air when someone grabbed me out of the water and got me on the shore I was to tired to care I've been swimming all night but now that the sun is coming out now I can really get away but it's kinda hard to do when your legs are so used to swimming for hours when we got to the castle I fell asleep didn't realize that a man named emmet was watching me sleep making sure I don't escape again but I don't know what is going on with me I'm always sick or passing out and why am I even here all theses questions come into my mind , I'm always fighting for my life I need to get out of here but how can I do that when Bigfoot is watching my every move ....................
I am proud to announce miss devilicis for my 100th fallower I fully support her and her books there really cool so be sure to check out her profile and I hope that you all are having a good Monday God bless you all

Baby Bella's  journeyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ