Chapter 5

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Aro's pov
As we were all in my study discussing how in the world were going to get Bella here without harming her .We have to turn her for her to understand us we have no idea why she is so strong but no matter the case we all have questions that were not even sure she can answer .but alas we will find out soon enough. Carlisle's wife esmay went to go find her she is the best people person out of the full voltorra Jane is with her so she should be fine.
Balla's pov
When I get to the river I see the pack and walked towards them and they all jumped back with a look that like they about to grab me just then I feel a rag over my nose and mouth I struggle but soon the darkness consumes me
Jacobs pov
As we met her there we notice that her eyes changed last time we saw her, her eyes were gray and even that was strange but now there as red as the blood moon itself it was then we see Esmay behind Bella it was then when Bella went unconscious it was then when she explains why she had to do it we all understood and left only with the hope of seeing her again .
Janes pov
As Esmay returns with Bella in her arms we quickly got on Aros jet and took off while watching Bella every second knowing she can wake up at any time. As we got in the first couple of steps we got in the voltorra throne room when Bella started to wake up in esmays arms .
Aros pov
As Bella starts to wake up I can see her eyes blood red eyes filled with anger and sickness as she got out of esmay's grasp and fall to the stone cold floor .
Bella's pov
As I wake up I try to get out of someone's grasp it was then that I was free and I was on the floor sicker than a dog at that exact moment I felt someone picked me up bridal style and soon enough I was in a hospital room with a needle in my arm with a man with golden eyes and blond hair running a lot of tests on me until he had a full report on me until it was midnight it was then that the full moon was out and it is now my strength ...............

Baby Bella's  journeyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora