Chapter 12- Jeong Yun-oh

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[Technical branch]

I stood outside the door of the officer who had called me saying that he had some information about the tapes I gave him. I couldn't stop thinking about what Minjun sunbae said to me earlier. "I don't know about the next victim but one thing is for sure... the main target of the killer... is your husband.... Jeong Jaehyun". Whatever Minjun sunbae said was slowly starting to make sense except for one thing. Jang Soo-hee had neurosurgery performed by Jaehyun... but neither did Han Joon-woo or the old lady or the recent victim, Yang Seo-jin had neurosurgery.... or... did they? Are they perhaps hiding something from me?
My thoughts were interrupted when the door opened revealing an officer. I bowed to him and he did the same in return.

"You were right... the tapes are over 17 years old and they were damaged so I couldn't recover the video yet but I did recover the sound so if you want you can listen to the sound for now until I recover the video," He said making me nod. I followed him inside his office where he put one of the tapes in the player, handed me a pair of earphones, and left the room. Increasing the volume button, I hit the play button. 

"Okay, let's start it... Yun-oh... do you remember me?" I heard a voice say and it was followed by silence until the voice of a child said,

"Yes... doctor Hwang Ye-Ji" Picking up the pen from the nearby pen stand, I wrote down the name, Hwang Ye-Ji on my notepad.

"You have a good memory for an 8-year-old. Then, Yun-oh... I want to ask you a few questions is that okay?" The voice asked and after that, there was no reply but the doctor started to ask questions so I assume the child gave her a nod. 

"Yun-oh, do you know your friend Seo Min-Ju?" 

"Yes, doctor" I again noted the name, Seo Min-Ju on my notepad

"Why did you push her off the swing?" The doctor asked drawing my attention. There was a moment of silence but a faint sound could be heard. It felt as if I had heard this sound somewhere but where exactly did I hear it?

"Because she was annoying" 

"You pushed her off the swing because she was annoying? But why did you... throw her dog in the lake?" 

"Because he won't stop barking... when I pushed her off the swing" My eyes slightly widened at the reply

"After you pushed her off the swing.... why didn't you call someone for help? Her forehead was bleeding... didn't you think she might need help?"

"No... I liked the color of her blood... it was dark red in color... and I wanted to see more of it... it was seeing her suffer just like her dog... I felt at ease" I gasped and covered my mouth when I heard this

"Yun-oh!" I heard the voice of another woman yell. After that, all I could hear was the whimpering and the sobbing of a child. 

"Mom-m... help-p me... I don't-t want to-o... be a-a... monster-r" and after this everything went quiet. I checked whether the recording was over or not but then again I heard some noise that sounded like the adjusting of the camera. Then the voice of the doctor started to speak again.

"Yun-oh... is showing all the signs of... being a psychopath. But the thing I noticed during the session... it seems as if he can control his psychopathic personality. It's almost like split personality disorder but not split personality. When I talked to him about Min-Ju, I saw him poking his cheek with his tongue and I feel that is when he is in his psychopathic personality and when you call out his name... you could see the change in expression indicating that he was back to his normal self. He is just 8 years old now and he already knows that he can control this... I'm worried that by the time he grows up... he'll learn to control it so well that... it'll be difficult to say whether he is just a normal person... or a psychopath"

[Time skip: Gyeongju Police station]

I kicked open the door of the office making the three of them in the room startle. Before they could say anything further, I slammed the files of the victims from the recent murder case on their table.

"How... how could you hide the fact that Han Joon-woo and Yang Seo-jin had neurosurgery performed by my husband and the old lady didn't have any?!" I yelled. No one said anything until Minjun sunbae said,

"Y/n... you know... you look the happiest when you talk about Ji-hun and Jaehyun... Jaehyun was the only one who made you smile after your mother passed away... and we didn't want you to suspect after all... mistrust is not good in a relationship"

"Alright... but don't do this again... if Jaehyun is the real target... then we must find a way to protect him and at the same time... we should also find out why is the killer after him," I said making the three of them nod. 

"Jaemin... Could you search up and find anything about these two people?" I said handing him the notepad with the two names that I had written while listening to the recordings

"Doctor Hwang Ye-Ji and Seo Min-Ju? Who are they?" He questioned

"Just some witness who can help us with Jeong Min-ho's case"

"You're kidding me right?"

[Time skip: 11:30 pm; Home]

I sneaked inside the house even though it was my house. I opened the door with utmost care and made sure not to make any noise. I held the wine and cookies that I had brought in one hand and my bag in the other hand. Keeping the food items and bag on the sofa, I sneaked inside the kitchen and planned on surprising Jaehyun. He stood in front of the kitchen counter and it seemed as if he was doing something. I planned to back-hug him but stopped in my track... when I saw blood flowing down the kitchen counter. 

"Jaehyun" I called out and I saw his movements stop. I could see him poking the side of his cheek with his tongue which somehow reminded me of what I heard in the recording today but I shook my head. I heard him sigh as he turned around. He had splashes of blood on his cheek and he had a knife in his hand which was covered in blood and that was when I noticed what was on the chopping board.... a chicken.

"Jaehyun... what are you doing?"

"I thought of making some chicken soup but the shop refused to cut it and I had to bring the chicken home and cut it," He said as I burst out laughing.

"You could've just brought one from the supermarket," I said trying to control my laughter

"But they are frozen and not good for health" He replied pouting. Sometimes I wonder how can someone childish be a neurosurgeon. 

"Alright, you did great. Wait here, I'll get a cloth to wipe the blood off your cheek. Don't use your hands or it'll stain your sleeves" I said and walked into our bedroom to get a cloth

Jaehyun's POV:

I saw her walk into the bedroom and I looked at my right hand which was covered in blood. With the help of my left hand, I touched my cheeks and upon checking my left hand, it had blood on it indicating that I had gotten splashes of blood on my face as well. I breathed out a sigh and thought,

"She almost caught me"

End of POV

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