Chapter 1.

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Lily POV

I had to run

I was surrounded by things that I'm sure would end me. This maze of a forest wasn't helping issues. I heard their footsteps more like paws getting closers.

It was hammering the ground pretty loud but I felt my heartbeat was louder. I felt like my heart was about to explode.

Yeah, it's painful to think about

Clutching my lips with my hand to avoid any stranged cry from making it's way out.

I started running again, looking for something familiar.

Finally when I made it to my car which was parked at the border side of this forest, I jumped in, slamming the door shut and locking it.

What I didn't expect is for them to start barrelling into it. My shaky hands for sure couldn't put the key into ignition. Trying to block out all the noise and focus. The car was being hit from different angles scaring the shit out of me.

That was until one of them transformed before my eyes slamming on my window, his blue eyes staring intensely at me "Liana".

My eyes snapped open as I tried to control my breathing.

Oh! That was just a dream

A weird one.


"bye mom, I love you" I said about to get into my car.

"Sweetie, this is your last semester do you really have to go back"

Here we go again

She always does this everytime I come back for holidays, when it's time for me to go she starts whining and trying to manipulate me to go to school from the house, which I'm not a fan of.

''mum, not this again, I need to go" I said silently praying for Amanda to show up quickly so we can hit the road.

''but sweetie..." she was cut off by Amanda


''Come on babe, let's get this show on the road" Amanda slightly screamed putting her stuff in the trunk.

Amanda has been my best friend since forever, we went to the same kindergarten and have been friends ever since. She was the only girl who understood me for who I am and I was so glad that I had a very very good relationship with her and that's why we are sharing an apartment in the school block of apartments for the students, we shared it since we entered college and even though we fight a lot, we still end up making up because she's just unique and if I lose her then I know I've made the biggest mistake of my life.

"hi Mrs Blackburn" said Amanda

"Amanda I always tell you it's Sarah" my mum replied.

"I know, so are you still busy with Lily or can we get going because we have to get everything ready since school is starting officially tomorrow'' Amanda said looking between my mum and I questioningly.

"mum?" I said looking at her

"Fine sweetie, go. but visit me more often this time. Okay"

"Sure thing. Okay bye, love you" I smiled entering the car.

"babe can we stop at a cafe before we reach school I didn't eat anything this morning" Amanda begged

"of course let's go" I said

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