Chapter 40.

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Kieran POV

"Two new attack on the pack guards and seven new attacks from the neighboring packs". Andrew said reading from the daily reports.

"Was any one killed?"

"Thankfully, no but they were badly wounded. They are likely going to be better in a couple weeks"

My hand went to the bridge of my nose "Weeks? Why weeks"

"Somehow their wounds were badly infected with wolfbane. I have no idea how it led to that but that is the daily report"

"Declare a state of lock down on all the packs that has been constantly attacked till further notice. Let's see what this mutant is capable of doing"

"What if it's still in their pack after lock down. It will fest on them easily"

"Involve the witches. Please be discreet about it. No slip ups" I went back to my laptop trying to find the open links within the packs.

After some minutes of silence "what about our pack?"

"Tighten the borders but it hasn't gotten to that yet."

There's a traitor in our midst

"obviously " Rex sarcastic voice rang in my head.

"There's more"

"What's worst than the mutant?"

"There were leeches spotted within our pack this morning".

My eyes snapped back to him in disbelief "how is that possible. I made sure that they don't have access to this pack" I growled.

"I have no clue. They probably found a weak spot like the mutant did"

"are you even listening to yourself? Which weak spot?"

"Like I said, I have no clue. Are you sure about not putting this pack on lock down?" he asked going through his tablet.

"how will other packs access us if we are on lock down. No access to the outside world, that's what a lock down mean"

Face palming himself while shaking his head "Yeah, my bad. That will be of great discomfort to the girls at this period"

"And why is that?"

His eyes widened in disbelief as a frown made his way to his face. "Don't tell me you don't know"

"Know what Andrew? Can you stop with the fucking games"

"You do know the girls are currently writing their finals".


I honestly didn't know

Liana hasn't been around most of the time so...


"We can't be on a lock down because they are still writing their exams which means they will constantly need access to the outside world"

"When is it ending?"

"I...i have no clue. Probably ask Ryan or your mate"

I passed a silent deadly glare his way which made him shut up and sink into the couch.

It's been two weeks since the whole drugging incident and I'm still yet to find the culprit or culprits who were involved in it.

"You should be glad, you slept with your mate again in a long while"

Yeah and woke up in an empty bed.

"wow! You can't handle the taste of your own treatment. Come on Kieran, she went through that every morning even when I told you not to do it" Rex sneered, irritating me more by the second.

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