Chapter 48.

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Lily POV

Time was ticking very slowly from the moment Kieran left this pack for an urgent meeting with an alpha in the north.


Garcia will be so disappointed.


Come on brain, work.

Alpha... Alpha... Reggie?

Right! Alpha Reginald something of the... something pack.

I feel this pregnancy planned to make me turn out dumb.

Since Kieran left and promised to slay any one who let's anything happen to me, I've been pampered by literally the whole pack and that equalled to me adding more weight than the pregnancy fat.

Kieran, who desperately wanted to ignore the meeting was quite angry with me for pestering him on going for it but that didn't stop him from calling me every single moment of the day.

I wanted to come along if that will make him feel more comfortable but he was totally against carrying his "heavily pregnant mate" across the world just for a meeting and he also didn't fancy the idea of me going into labour early in a pack he's not too familiar with... Blah blah blah.

Anyway, he has been gone for a week and my due date is coming up sooner and I can't wait to hold my baby boy or girl... We still don't want to know the gender.

I have to wait an extra week plus to know what we're having.

"...moonshine? Moonshine" the voice sent me out of my thoughts with a jump, I looked at my laptop screen and remembered that I was in the middle of a video call with Kieran. I bit my lips smiling in embarrassment. "you zone out awfully a lot recently. Do you have something on your mind?"

I shook my head reaching for duvet to cover my legs. "You look healthy". I said the first thing that came to my head.

He chuckled lowly, the sound warming my heart. "you tell me that everyday. You look healthy too. We'll be finalizing the meeting today, so I'll be back probably by tomorrow"

I nodded my head unconsciously "the baby kicked awfully a lot today. Probably missing their dad's cuddles and kisses"

His face fell slightly as he heard the news. He had only felt two kicks and he loved them but sadly it was as he left that they started becoming more prominent. "Oh! Hope it's bearable. If it is too much to bear, go straight to Brenda, okay?"

"okay. I love you and miss you very much"

"I love you more and I'll be back before you know it. Take good care of yourself"

I waved and ended the call. I exhaled and looked around the cold room for anything new to do today but it was pretty much the same.

My mind travelled to the intern dig I could have gone for and the apartment I could have moved into. Everything changed the moment I made my decision to stay. Yeah I could have still been pregnant and that could have been stressful as hell but one decision got me here.

There was a knock that threw me out of my thoughts once again and with a loud "come in", the door opened and Lexi walked in looking back to her former self. Her body lacked all the fat that had added up during her pregnancy.

I hope I meet the same fate.

I sat up on the bed "hey! I wasn't expecting you"

She laughed before coming to sit next to me. "Yeah. I won a bet and handed all the baby duty to Andrew for the whole of today so I decided to pay you a visit".

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