Chapter 31.

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Lily POV

I just got back from my classes and was in the tub filled with warm water and bath bombs.

My eyes were closed with my playlist playing in the background.

After the day of my encounter with those old annoying council people, Kieran hasn't been really present. He's always distant with his nonsense excuse of him being busy.

I didn't bother him again after I went to his office the next day to try to talk about our problematic relationship and he curtly told me to leave because he's busy and is about to have some company from some visiting alphas.

He was never there when I slept, woke up, ate breakfast, lunch or dinner so I gave up. I was done with trying, he'll probably come back to his senses.

Or maybe he is still angry because I called him a hypocritical coward .

Closing my eyes, I let my body relax some more when the bathroom door opened. I immediately sat up to see who it was and went back into the water when I realized my chest was bare.

It was Kieran and he had different emotions dancing in his eyes, for the first time I could see them clearly.

They were lust, anger, guilt and worry. I was confused, well the lust was clearly explained but the others left me clueless.

"Do you need something?" I asked as he seemed to be in a trance.

He cleared his throat before looking at everything but me. "Nothing, just looking for my meds"

I hummed and closed my eyes back not paying him any attention. I felt his gaze on me for some seconds before I heard the bathroom door close. I let out the breath that I was holding in.

Some minutes later, I entered the shower and washed myself before heading out.

My hair was still wet and I didn't have the energy to start blow drying it so I patted it with a towel before letting it to air dry.

I changed into a pale purple sundress. The weather was cloudy and it wasn't raining so I took it as the best time to go to the private garden.

When I got there, I was once again mesmerised by its beauty.

Thinking about everything truly made me sad, I felt like crying but no single tear fell out. I was blank. I always wished to find true love even though I don't believe in that shit.

Staring into space, I felt like I was in a trance. A weird trance.

Just like how all the past Avatars appear when Aang was in the Avatar state, I saw all the past queens, well most of them.

They were many and they were all talking at the same time which was giving me a migraine.

Soon, most of them disappeared remaining only eight queens.

They all looked youthful and beautiful. The first to talk this time was Jacqueline.

"They said an Omega can't be queen" she said sadly "but I still became queen" she added.

"I was a rogue" Amber said. "My parents died when I was young and I was kicked out of my pack but I still became queen"

"I was an orphan" Gwen said.

"But you all were werewolves. I'm a misfit" I said

They all looked at me before looking at a queen who was the most prime and proper of them all.

"I was a human. The mate of Alpha King Kaden II Everette. I am the mother of Dominic. I am not proud of myself" I looked around and saw it was just both of us now. "I didn't get to see my baby grow... My mate went crazy after my death... I wasn't even up 30 years. They killed me and if you aren't strong enough, they will do the same. To them we are weak, weak humans and they are right, the rejection weakens us faster. I doubt the Moon Goddess makes that kind of mistake. Human or not, our soulmate should be one of our top priorities, no matter how stupid, indecisive and dumb they are. Remember, they are our other half. One more thing, fight"

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