Chapter 47.

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Lily POV

I feel odd, very odd.

For days, I've had this odd feeling in me. After the night of our date, I didn't quite feel like myself.

The moment I felt Kieran detach from me even though I was quite drowsy and half asleep, I felt strange.

I ignored the feeling I tried to fall asleep again. I was glad when my slumber returned.

My snapped open as the sudden urge to puke overwhelmed me. I ran to the bathroom but I couldn't let out anything. Dry heaves could be heard.

I sat on the toilet seat for some time before heading back to bed. I yawned and laid down but unfortunately sleep didn't come.

I stared at the ceiling for a long time, before heading towards the balcony for some fresh air but it was no use so I headed back into the room.

I looked around the room and for sure the air conditioners were all turned on but I felt ridiculously hot. I proceeded to remove my top and I started becoming frustrated with the heat.

I totally stripped naked and blasted the air conditioners to the lowest temperature possible. I was about falling asleep when the heat surge came again and at this moment I felt like clawing at my skin to get it to stop.

The urge to puke came again but this time I really did puke. It was almost uncontrollably until nothing was coming out again.

I literally just puked my guts out.

I rinsed my mouth went to look for my phone, I tried to be self sufficient but it wasn't working and I needed Kieran

I got my phone and called Kieran in my drowsy state.

"Moonshine, you okay?" he said immediately as he answered.

I tried controlling the overwhelming heat coursing around my body, "Hey darling, yeah, I feel on top of the world" to me, I sounded drunk.

"You sure? You sound off. Is everything okay with you" he sounded like he was panicking. His voice was so soothing to my pains.


"The meeting is in full swing, I'll see you very soon. I love you"

I groaned in pain lightly, "No don't go. You're voice is soothing me"

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Can you just stay on the line and talk to me? Please". I sounded desperate and I really didn't like it.

"I'll call you later, okay"

"But I need you now. Please"


With that the line went dead and all my hopes crushed.

I pulled myself to the tub and filled it up with ice cold water before dipping myself into it.

It's cold temperature was no match for my hot temperature.

I was fully submerged in the tub and with time the water started becoming quite warm.

I tried reaching out to Reina but my mind was cloudy as fuck.

I felt myself losing consciousness and slipping further into the tub, the water reaching up to my mouth and I welcomed darkness when I was fully enveloped in it.


Kieran POV

I stared at my phone with concern. I was currently in a meeting with the council members well except put from Malford. We were discussing about the coronation and her call just put a very unsettling feeling in me.

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