i. mouse and snakes

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chapter one 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟑, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏 & 𝟐

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chapter one
𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝟑, 𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝟏 & 𝟐

"What is this?" The man checking through Davina's bag held up a container of some light yellow cream. "It's my back cream" Davina snapped "it's for my back bruise obviously" the man rolled his eyes placing it back in and zipping up her bag. "You can go"

Davina glared slinging her bag around her bag. She walked through the halls, grimacing slightly at the memories of the fight. After she had left the school grounds Davina immediately tried calling Robby, yet the boy didn't answer.

She felt odd, she felt weird walking into school after what she, the miyagi-do and the cobra Kai students had done. She also felt weird thinking about Cobra Kai. Cobra Kai, she never should have joined, she knew that.

But now that she had, Davina enjoyed the power. People were scared of her now, and she loved that.

"The fight at the school was an embarrassment" Kreese spoke during the next training session. "You lost soldiers and you lost the battle. But you will not lose again, Diaz was one of us. What they did to one, they did to all and it will not go unanswered. We will show no mercy, we will show no weakness, we will strike back and we will strike hard! Is that clear?"

"Yes Sensei"

"I can't hear you"

"Yes Sensei"

It was the end of the session and Kreese walked out of the office "class, you worked hard today, so before you're dismissed I have a little treat for ya" he pulled out a small mouse from behind his back "I wanna introduce you to a friend of mine."

"Whats its name?" Bert questioned. Kreese looked at him "I don't know. What should it be?"

"Hawk Junior" Davina raised her eyebrows at her boyfriend who only shrugged with a smug smile on his face.

"Bert. What do you think?"

"Clarence" Bert answered. "Clarence, good. here take him" Kreese handed the younger boy the mouse

"He's so cute guys"

"You know, it's almost lunchtime" Kreese informed them.

"Can I feed him?"

"No." Bert's smile dropped and Kreese walked over to a box covered in a black cloth "but you can feed him" he lifted up the cloth showing the class a snake.

"What does he like to eat...."

Kreese thought for a second "Clarence. Come here" he gestured Bert over.

Bert took slow steps towards the cage, he held the mouse "I can't"

Kreese smirked taking the mouse off the boy "it's okay. I understand, Clarence is your friend. Its okay to object, who else objects?"

Davina looked back as some students raised there hand. Hawk grabbed hers making sure she kept in down, knowing she of all people would object.

"You're off the team" Kreese yelled "get out"


"I said out" Kreese looked back at the remaining students before throwing the mouse into the cage. Davina felt like throwing up as the snake hisses eating the mouse whole.

Davina starred at her phone, she picked her fingers as the call rung throughout the room, the name Robber Robby on the top. She stayed silent, wanting nothing more then the boy to answer her phone calls.

On the other side of town Robby starred at his phone as Davina's caller ID was seen. He bit his lip, wanting to answer but he knew he shouldn't. He already had put problems on her and her family. He sighed turning away.

Little did he know everything would have changed if he just had picked up that phone.

"We are only as strong as our weakest links. When we remove these links. This is what's left" Kreese pointed at the eleven students in the room. "We are one unit, with one United purpose"

He was cut off by the door ringing and Tory walking into the dojo. Davina sent a smile in the girls direction which she returned before walking into a remaining position.

"Forward strike, ready?"

"Ai!" "Kyo"

The students continued the forward strike while Kreese spoke "always remember your enemies think that they're doing what's right, they think they're the hero and you're the villain. But now you know the truth, there is no good, there is no bad. Only weak or strong and now that we've shed our weakness, it's time to show our strength. If you do that, I promise you, you will be unstoppable.

Davina's phone rung after practise finished, it was from an unknown number. She sighed clicking answer "hello?"

"Lioa" Davina's head snapped towards Hawk before storming out of the dojo "Robs?"

"Lioa" Robby sighed "uh, I'm sorry I haven't been answering your calls" she heard him take on a deep breath "I'm uh... I'm in juvie now"

Davina leaned against a pole "they found you?"

"No, uh Mr. LaRusso sent them after me, he told the cops I would turn myself in" She could hear the anger in his voice.


Robby chuckled "Um.. there was a reason I called thought" he heard a little 'mhm' "this may seem weird, but... can you visit? you're the only person I wanna see"

Davina smiled "yeah Robs, I'll come sometime this week I promise"

"times up!"

Robby groaned quietly "I hate this place" Davina bit her lip "You have ever right to. I'll see you soon Robs"

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐅𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐒 ✹ e.m & r.kWhere stories live. Discover now